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Loyd Osborne LoydOsborne
Just doing funny shit to make people smile!

@ScytedTV-Studios Canada

PoluxServer poluxserver
Une ville réelle, une communauté réelle

PoluxCity France

Noah Siegel noahbird
LGHS Class of 2027
Diego Herrera Diegxherrera
Software developer

Instituto Nebrija Madrid, Spain

GreenYoshi (Wang Han) 2659170494
I come from Fujian Economic School and am currently a Grade 22 e-commerce major. Like programming, music and other activities.

Fujian Economic School China,Fujian

Shi Jonathan jonathanqwq

@BLUEAKIO China Shanghai

Aohina Lukoning
Aoi and Hinata - yaho~

Nánníng, G.Z.A.R., P.R.C.

Snowykami snowykami
Full Stack(Backend-focused), CloudNative, Microservice, DevOps, HomeLab, SRE

@RedrockBE of @RedrockTeam & @LiteyukiStudio & @TriM-Organization & @cqupthub Chongqing

Adam Rusted adamrusted
Functional Consultant at Kerv Digital. Some freelance web bits when I'm not working.

Kerv Digital Coventry, United Kingdom

Arrokoth233 Arrokoth486958

DoveCot Gensokyo

Chance ChanceWolf
No idea what I'm doing
地球村服务器官方 MinecraftEarthVillage

地球村团队 广东

giorgioNeko giorgioneko

GDK Software The Netherlands

Stella Valkyrie ValkyrieStella
Owner of Chiwi hosting network. Formerly Stella Tobin
Europa Calistri Ultimate-USA-YT
Just a Dragon... PFP By u/BeanzForCurrency

Kítøñ Railcars The Leafsilk Kingdom

Fuyu-sann PhantomISO
Minecraft person. I might do a few JR trains for the MTR mod, If I can work out how to model qwq
최준혁 Choe Jun hyeok Junhyeok2004Dec

Mech, Jeju National University Yeon-dong, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province

lily (sleepysapphire) sleepysapph
what's this "coding" thing you speak of

somewhere, i think

XieXiLin XieXiLin2
Railfan / Student / Bangumi Lover / Manga Lover すみません,ごめんなさい


Szándor Czirják szandorthe13th
Train enjoyer, but make it an attempt at coding

Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands

Isak Grönlund Grizak

@DJLarliboyljudochljus Dalby, Sweden

Leopold Pohlmann Revox97

DocuWare Munich, Germany

Libertas Libertas007
Programming and gaming...


Alessandro Porpiglia alex-211
Studying Computer Science in highschool -- 18

Turin, IT

Moder,Jon's fan
Snc StrikeSNC
I don't know how to code lol

Hong Kong

LX86 Kenny-Hui
I do random stuff at random times

Hong Kong