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Tristan Gerritsen usadson
Hi :)

The Netherlands

Wittano Bonarotti Wittano
Hello :3 My name is Wittano-chan. I'm ordinary 25 yo femboy gamer UwU. I type some codes, do something weird in terminal and be Linux user hihi


ā̛͓ͣ̚kwa <3 akwaaa
i sometimes tinker with puters :3

pro. shitposter ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

web developer

@art-class madison wi

Marco Roth marcoroth
Rubyist, Full-Stack Devloper and Open Source Contributor

Basel, Switzerland

Rafael Requião requeijaum
E.E. undergrad @ IFBA Salvador

Salvador, BA - Brazil

mxrch mxrch
in constant learning.

HideAndSec France

Madeorsk Madeorsk
French software engineer. Free software enthusiast. I prefer computers to humans.


2603003199a skybird23333

Unemployed Western Australia

Gitstick Puker228
19 y.o; Study at KubSTU; Programming on python; learning Django and FastAPI;

Original Scripting Calabasas

foam foamcage
walmart bag
Inari 1MM0R7AL5
Yay! I exist!

Lovelace Games

Luke Hohlin Tctcl

Draht Müller GmbH und Co. KG Emsdetten, Germany

Gréjon Maxime Darlit0
Student in Coda School


Toru the Red Fox TorutheRedFox
I'm a person that does tech and art stuff. :v


Luca LeBlanc yodaluca23

Texas, United States