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skooch skooch

Melbourne, Australia

Ryan ryan2625
Brave New World

BlueTread Chicago, IL

michael bigjr-mkkong
A newbie in Computer related topics ;)
Dorian Bachelot DorianBDev
Understand, don't memorize.

Rennes, Brittany, France

Yuchi Miao maksyuki
SoC design engineer at Center for Advanced Computer Systems (ACS) of Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. founder @microdynamics

Institute of Computing Technology, CAS Beijing, China

Hardware Accelerator/ Computer Architecture/ FPGA

Fudan University Shanghai, China

Passionate about the intersection of technology and art, I am a maker who enjoys tinkering with electronics, building embedded systems, and making 3D Art
Krishanu Bandyopadhyay Krishanu-007
Still Trying to fit into the coding world.

Academy Of Technology Addconagar, Adisaptagram, Hoogly

Riya Bisht b1shtream
21, interested in Computer Architecture & exploring low-level systems


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


David Kebo davidkebo

Teamup United States

Josef Leyva jalmx
Emprendedor disfrutando de programación con un buen café #linux

Xizuth Inc Mexico

Author of Kanbanoo - The Kanban board for @M-Files and generally interested in all things related to M-Files.

Kanbanoo IT Services Germany

Akash Perla Akash-Perla

International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Diogo André Silvares Dias das-dias
PhD Student in Micro-Nanoelectronics | Image-Guided Ultrasound Neuromodulation ASICs

NOVA SST / TUDelft EEMCS Monte da Caparica, Portugal / Delft, The Netherlands

Hussein Abdulreda HRida
[-] Keep improving (Never ends) 👍 ;) [x] Find a Job [x] Finish Masters in Computer Science [x] Finish Bachelor in Computer Science

@Aditec Heilbronn, Deutschland

Márcio Ribeiro wmrsouza
Embedded hardware and firmware engineer

@espressif Brazil

cm cokesme
Drop ICE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rogue Food Conference Fan
