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Charles-A. Francisco charlesfranciscodev
Software Engineering | ML Infrastructure

@Capgemini Canada 🇨🇦

Trésor ILOYI tiloyi
« Jamais dans la tendance mais toujours dans la bonne direction. »
Jason Gilmore wjgilmore
CTO @AdaloHQ, Partner, @XenonIO. Former CEO, @treehouse. CTO, @dreamfactorysoftware. CodeMash co-founder. Likes to write code.

W.J. Gilmore, LLC Dublin, Ohio

Rabedaoro David N H RDavidNH
Full Stack Web Designer/Developer • DevOps Engineer • Tech enthusiast !

rdavidnh Antananarivo, Madagascar

Massimo Selvi massimoselvi
Cloud Architect, AWS centric, Serverless Advocate, Full-stack Web Developer, Vue.js, WebObjects nostalgic ...Musician

Massimo Selvi Ravenna, Italy

Christopher Lam clam119
Hi! I'm Chris Lam (24) & British Born Chinese Full-Stack Web Developer with a fascination in all things Japan and technology!

United Kingdom

Yves-Eric Martin yemartin
Former CTO at @mediweb

Tokyo, Japan

Krishna Narayan Chaudhary Kncverse
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦✨ TODAY IS ALL WE HAVE, Product UI UX Designer 🙏Love to do Macro Design Micro Code👌I Love Maintaining a Corrective Feedback Loop.

Freelance India