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Well I'm human...
David verebes1
Full-stack iOS/Web Developer. Advocate of Clean Code and Test Driven Development. Deeply vested in Security and the latest developments around A.I.

@bbc UK

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Andres Fernandez jandresfg

@Vertrical @medlify-health Bogotá D.C- Colombia

Omar Imam flowmar
Full-Stack Developer @ NASA, Johnson Space Center

Houston, TX

Jesus_Herndez Jesus-Herndez
I'm a college student from Mexico 🇲🇽


Dimitris Panokostas midwan
Software Developer. Amiga geek.



Belgrade, Serbia

Vadim Perfilev Dfuz

Avito Moscow, Russia

A De Leon RaDeleon
I like coding and hacking things.

San Francisco ,CA United States

Boy Hoody boy12hoody
Self-taught Android App Developer

Uzbekistan, Tashkent

Stephan Hadan stiebke
💻 OSS enthusiast | 🔧 Mac & beyond sysadmin | 🤖 AI practitioner | 🆔 Zero Trust advocate | 🚀 Open Source > proprietary | Always exploring tech’s edge!

Pforzheim, Germany

Nehul Tyagi nehultyagi1
Privacy is a Myth


Don_martinez.eth web3-engineer
"The Right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world"

@ethereum Brasil

Joshua jshmllr
Software Design in Tennessee


Aurelien Michaud aureliengmichaud
Maker of things and stuff.


Gabe gabevrudy
GIS Developer, profile for personal projects.

SWCA California

Kevin Schmitz Kevin-305

RWTH Aachen University Niederzier, Germany

Dennis Hilgendorf dhilgendorf
Data Manager @nychealth Bureau of Alcohol and Drug Use Prevention, Care and Treatment (BADUPCT)

NYC DOHMH New York, New York

Ahmed Hashem AhmedvHashem
Software Engineer by day, Indie Game Developer by night.

@bevy Egypt