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Jean Ragusa ragusa

Texas A&M University United States

Bulent Soykan bulentsoykan

University of Central Florida Orlando, FL


Siemens Industry Software Bucharest

Dennis Ogiermann termi-official
PhD Candidate in Computational Cardiology. Computer scientist. Co-founder of @NydusOne .

Ruhr University Bochum Germany

Ziluo Xiong ZiluoXiong
Ph.D. Student at Colorado State University

Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO

Ehsan Golab EhsanGLB
Interested in Math, Programming, and Natural and Applied Sciences; C/C++, Python, OpenFOAM, and OpenLB; Heat and Mass Transfer, Hemodynamic, and Drug Delivery

Sharif University of Technology Tehran

Abhishek Keripale Abhishek2571
Eager to explore advanced engineering and pure sciences.
Peter Oehme peoe
Mathematics PhD student at EPFL (Switzerland)

Lausanne, Switzerland

vsella VigneshSella
AI Resident @ Google X | Computational Mathematics PhD @ UT Austin.

Google Mountain View, CA

Tomoki Koike smallpondtom
Aerospace Engineer with background in computational application. Research in Model Reduction of Dynamical Systems with Control. Interests also include Robotics.

Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta

Opal Issan opaliss
Ph.D. Student @ UC San Diego

San Diego