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Parshad Nirbhavane parshadn9
Business Analyst | Data Enthusiast | Solution-Oriented With a strong foundation in data analytics and business intelligence, I specialize in transforming bus


Rich TheRichMiller

Wiser Solutions Texas

Evan Walsh evanjwalsh
CTO @ Wiser Solutions

@WiserSolutions Boston, MA

James jmshnds
Software engineer with B.S. degree in Computer Science from SFSU.
Sushrut Pajai spajai
Software Developer (BackEnd Developer) Python Developer | Perl Developer | Golang Developer | AWS | Open Source Developer

Rafael Olivares rafaolivares
Software Engineer

Bairesdev Caracas, Venezuela

Jeremy Bradbury jeremybradbury
Software Maker. Music producer. Rabbit trainer.

Portland, OR

Vasu Patel vasu-patel-wiser

Wiser Solutions Vadodara

Rich nofunrich

Wiser Solutions South Carolina