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Coding to rhythm of life....
Mattes Mrzik MattesMrzik
PhD Candidate in Computational Molecular Evolution

ZHAW Zürich

atongsa atongsa
languages shape the way we think
Ankit singh ankit-singh973
🎓 M.Tech in Computational Biology | 💻 ML Enthusiast | 🐍 Python, R, C++ Coder 🧬 Apply ML/DL wizardry to biological datasets Protein str, drug and NGS data

Puducherry, India

Giacomo Mutti giacomomutti
Predoc Researcher in the Comparative Genomics group led by Toni Gabaldon @ IRB/BSC Barcelona. Mainly interested in evolution, data viz and weird biology.

IRB Barcelona Barcelona, Spain

Feifei Xia Garfieldfei
PhD student in Bioinformatics


Gerome Meyer GeroVanMi
Hi there!

ZHAW Switzerland