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DRiN! D-I-M-A-git
I'm new here. And I want to know everything here.

Ukraine, Kursk

Lance Fisher lancefisher
I love JavaScript and long runs through the woods.

onXmaps Missoula, MT

Javier Zanon Radio Amateur Operator (LU6EOW) radioamateurjz
Radioaficionado | Radio Amateur Operator (LU6EOW)

Buenos Aires - Argentina

Valentin Saugnier valentintintin
Developper, enjoy electronics things, ham radio operator F4HVV

Grenoble, France

Elijah Hamilton ElijahHamilton
I'm a person who likes to program.


Macs macster
stay hungry, stay foolish... be patient!

UxDev romania

Benjaminas Visockis theBadMusician
Am good at Googling stuff. Mentor @ Vortex NTNU

NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics Trondheim

datafl4sh datafl4sh
Numerical methods, Software Defined Radio, thinkering with everything falls into my hands.

Politecnico di Torino +39

ken martin fengmushu

土木工程师 ShenZhen

朱小勇 judesmorning


Rich Clingman richclingman
Sr Software Engineer, DevOps. AWS SysOps, Admin Developer, Solutions Architect -- Associate. Live sound engineer. Foster/adoptive dad.
Gordon Young gjyoung1974
char* bee = "\U0001F41D"; puts(bee);

Phoenix Arizona, USA

Windsor Schmidt windsorschmidt
Habitual line-stepper.

Oakland, California

Dhiru Kholia kholia
Open-source software and hardware. VU3CER and WQ6W. My solar powered website: - Have fun!
Gene Hightower gene-hightower
We have nothing to hide, only everything to protect.

Los Angeles, CA, USA

Kenji Rikitake jj1bdx
Software Engineer. @pepabo R&D.

KRPEO Tokyo, Japan

Yusuf Hegazy hegzploit
Pwn the planet!


Ivan Ivan2navI
⭐️Per aspera ad Astra⭐️


Michael Bridak mbridak
Retired Telecom IT drone. Now a Gentleman of Leisure. Amateur radio operator K6GTE.

K6GTE Anaheim, CA