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Bernardo Ascensao Ascensao
Currently working on my startup. Quantitative Trading and AI.

Quantum Flow Investments Portugal

Nguyen Binh Son sontheteacher
Interest in Math & CS


Eugene Lim Xuan Hao exhlim
NUS Materials Science and Engineering

Google NYC Singapore

Johanan Anton Pranesh JohananAntonPranesh
Quant Finance Data Science Optimization

New york and Pennsylvannia

Senbagaraman Sudarsanam rsenba
Scientific Computing, Data Science, Applied Mathematics.


JJ Krasnick jjkrasnick
JJ, a seasoned software engineer and AI startup founder, is proficient in C++, Java, and Python. He has a unique blend of technical prowess and business acumen.

Stealth Startup San Francisco, California, USA

Chris Muir chrismmuir

Chicago, IL

Kairav Shah shahkairav
Quant Researcher at AlphaGrep Securities | IIT Madras


Mikhail Azaryan mikhailazaryan
Computer Science Student at TUM

Munich, Germany

Abolfazl Karimi abol-karimi
PhD student in computer science at UNC-Chapel Hill
Andrew Sima bbytiger
CS + Econ @ Harvard | Ex Robinhood, Okta, TikTok

Cambridge, MA

Nick Liebmann Liebmann5
"And how about Marla Hooch. What a hitter." - A League of Their Own

Santa Clarita, CA

Dave Nguyen DuyNguyenPhuong
I am a Computer Science and Mathematics student, and I am interested in Finance, Competitive Programming, and Machine Learning

Microsoft Seattle

Charbel kaed charbull

google New York, NY

Fan Chen fchenGT

GoldenTree Asset Management New York

Ethan Havemann echavemann
Northwestern. Incoming @ Optiver.

Chicago, IL

Francis Muturi francmut
Full Stack Web Developer. Life long learner.

Splenics Limited Nairobi, Kenya

Jacob Feitelberg jacobf18
Ph.D. student in Operations Research at Columbia University. Interests include optimization, control, machine learning, and causal inference.

Columbia University New York

Steve stevenewald
CS at Northwestern, incoming at Citadel Securities
Elise Liang eliseliangz
Quant Recruiting for tradefi and defi AI Lab researcher hiring WeChat: eliselll

Hong Kong

Arthur Ozga aozgaa

Gardening New York, NY

Jamie Keenan jamiedeankeenan
Geek @ heart, learning to code (again) and hoping to make an impact!


PancakeMitch MitchellVerhelle
mi chi desu. yoroshiku-onigaishimasu. ima UChicago no daigakusei desu. koko de suu-gaku o benkyoo-shimasu. kore wa boku no GitHub. mite onigaishimasu.
