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Mehmet Keçeci WhiteSymmetry
Physicist (Completed the dissertation phase of the Ph.D. in Physics) <M|ehme|t><K|eçec|i> #FreeGaza


cacu carlosm2

Tierra Comun Coop México City

Lily Anne lilyannehall
Just a Chihuahua in a tactical vest I mean ARF ARF.
Peter Ryszkiewicz pRizz
A passionate software engineer, making things in the crypto space, video gaming space, and many others.

@googlers Chicago, IL

pros pros2021
Change the world bit by bit in open source.。 Computer Programmer 。


John Patrick Roach johnpatrickroach
Senior Software Engineer @ Pattern | Master's in Statistics, Data Engineer, Backend Developer, API Integration

@endexapp New York, NY

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

dominicusin dominicusin
contantly changeable

Hitech inc. The local group of Galaxies

Mohamed Taoufik TEKAYA MohamedTaoufik
Software engineer who is passionate by digital arts, "2d-3d" animation process and audio-visual special effects "VFX" for the media and video game industries.

StartUp-SME: Horizons Software Solutions Tunisia-Sousse