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Thomas Gerdes thomasgerdes
I 💚 films, travelling and black coffee.


Dean Ayotte DeanAyotte

University of Glasgow Glasgow

Sheldon sheldonmmu
Library Systems and Discovery Adviser at Man Met Uni working with Python and Javascript to make useful stuff
Robert Brook robertbrook
I live and work in London.


Matthew BLMHill

British Library

Turing Library LibTuring
The library at Turing

The Alan Turing Institute Hut 2

S sw-sys
Digital Librarian
Aoife aoifeml

Cambridge, MA

Peter Edwards peteredwards

University of Leeds Leeds, UK

underwood thunderpoot
Principal Technologist at the Common Crawl Foundation

@commoncrawl London, United Kingdom

Helena S. Moniz HelenaSMoniz
Hey. I'm a portuguese PhD student @ UAb (Universidade Aberta)
Marshanah T. ♡ mars-aria
Passionate about intersectional computing. Curious to learn more about: VFX • Photogrammetry • AI / ML / NLP

Austin, TX

Alex Bennett BL-Alex

The British Library Boston Spa

Kalle Westerling kallewesterling
Product Manager at @chainguard-dev. PhD from @cuny. Formerly PM @DHRI-Curriculum + HASTAC Scholars and @alan-turing-institute + engineer @Living-with-machines

Chainguard London, UK

Alin Antohe alin-antohe
Software Engineering Manager
