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Alie Lassche awlassche

Aarhus University Aarhus, Denmark

Lucija Krusic lucijakrusic
Pre-doctoral researcher and lecturor at Department for Digital Humanities, University of Graz

UNI Graz Graz, Austria

Juan Carlos Baena Silva juancbaena
Doctor en Humanidades, empezando a desarrollarme dentro de las humanidades digitales

Colectivo de Investigación Transvectorial Hermosillo, Sonora, México

Daniel dwinkler1
I am not a cat

@WU-RDS Vienna

Onur Özbalaban Ksatura
Unofficial archaeology engineer.

Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Istanbul, Turkey

Pascale Feldkamp pfeldkamp


n0kovo n0kovo
Jack of all trades - master of some. InfoSec blog:


Israel Aquino iaquinoc

UFRGS Porto Alegre, Brazil

Tao Tang TTTTao725
A desperate coder🍻
Sylvain Estebe SylvainEstebe
Student in cognitive science


Philipp Jonas Kreutzer pjkreutzer
I am a PhD student in Economic History at Lund University. I research the transition to a bioeconomy in the Swedish forest sector.

Department of Economic History, Lund University Malmö

György Orosz oroszgy
Freelance NLP engineer

@ec-doris Budapest, Hungary

Matteo Di Cristofaro mdic
Linguist, #FLOSS supporter, Python & R user. Overall nerd. Lecturer & Researcher.
Eric Brasil ericbrasiln
Professor at the Institute of Humanities and Languages, UNILAB | Researcher - @LABHDUFBA | Managing Editor - @programminghistorian

Universidade da Integração Internacional do Lusofonia Afro-brasileira São Francisco do Conde, BA

Moritz Mähr maehr
#DH #STS #NLP #SNA #graphs #DigitalHistory #HistoryOfComputing 👷 associate researcher @DHBern and digital lead @Stadt-Geschichte-Basel

@DHBern & @Stadt-Geschichte-Basel Bern & Basel

Robin Quillivic binbin83
Ph.D student at EPHE-Institut Des Systèmes Complexes, in Natural Language Processing. Focus on the detection and characterization of mental health pathologies.

EPHE Paris

Tobias Gårdhus gaardhus
Sociologist & Social Data Scientist tinkering with scientific software development


Robin Kiplangat robinkiplangat
🙋🏾‍♂ hello, world!

@fourbic Nairobi

Dana Jensen au558796
Data Science | Cognitive Science

HopeSpring Cancer Support Centre Waterloo ON

Tim Tangherlini tango2
University of California, Berkeley Professor

University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA

Christian Wahl chrwahl

Støvring, Denmark

Ekaterina Borisova esborisova
Researcher at the German Research Centre for AI (DFKI), Speech and Language Technology Lab

DFKI Berlin, Germany

Dan Saattrup Nielsen saattrupdan
Senior AI Specialist, Mathematics PhD

Alexandra Institute Copenhagen, Denmark