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Mohamadreza Rezaei moham7dreza
Backend (Laravel) and mini NEXT.js developer

Iran Urmia City

Lucas "Genaro" Rodrigues genaroluucas
Web Developer, Python + Django, apaixonado por desafios, criando soluções tecnologicas completas e inovadoras.

DigiSat Tecnologia LTDA Concórdia, Santa Catarina

Software Engineer - مهندس برمجيات SWxEng

Virtual World العالم الافتراضى Cyber Space الفضاء السيبراني

Jefferson Gonçalves jeffersongoncalves
PHP/Laravel developer from Brazil 🇧🇷🇺🇦 DeveloperPHP/Laravel @jsgtecnologia and @sistemaboss


Talk is cheap show me the code powolnymarcel
Laravel 🧡 - VueJS 💚 - Flutter 💜 - React 💙

Visuweb Belgium

Douglas Camargo douglasc-c
Software Engineer | Full Stack Developer

@spacetools-technology Curitiba/PR - Brasil