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Vangelis Fotakidis fotakide
PhD candidate, Earth Observation Engineer

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki, Greece

Pete Bachant petebachant
Python, open source, open science, reproducibility, wind energy, CFD.

Fairfax, CA

itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

Velimir Đurković djvelimir
Highly experienced Senior Software Engineer. Proficient in a range of technologies including .NET, Java, Angular, JavaScript, and TypeScript.

Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia

John Clema JohnClema
Student of Psychology @uwa | Intern @PawseySC | Software Engineer @IncrementalSystems

@IncrementalSystems Perth, Noongar Boodja, Australia

Andrea Andrea-S90

Open Cosmos Spain

Luis León Cárdenas Graide Luchostein
· Software Engineer, Universidad de Chile · Computer Security diploma at clCERT · Data Science and Engineering diploma, Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Alvaro Regano aregano
Hi! I am a computational biologist specialized in single cell omics with a PhD in Computational and Molecular biology.

CNIC Madrid

Julian Lopez Gordillo juliancervos

Naturalis Biodiversity Center Leiden, Netherlands

Phillip Kingston phillipkingston
Member of Technical Staff, AppliedAI

AppliedAI Abu Dhabi

Mert Gör 🇹🇷 hwpplayer1
I work at @qbnetworks which is a Cyber Security company that serves to the public 24/7/365. Commits by @masscollabs account and I lead to @procyberian PSD

@qbnetworks İstanbul , Türkiye

Tilo Mathes tilorspace
Product Manager and Open Source Lead at Research Space

Research Space Berlin

Rinor Hoxha rinor

BAITS sh.p.k Albania, Tirane

Francesco Bartoli francbartoli
Security and spatial IT geek with opinionated mind to openness. Hugely passionate of mountain landscape and activities.

@geobeyond Rome, IT

Dan Hugo DanHugoDanHugo
Civic Volunteer 24 hours each day at @InnovateForVegas , then I work at night…

ReallyCool Technologies, LLC Las Vegas, NV

Abhilash Dasari abhilashdasari
PhD student at IIT Delhi, India.
Sora Yonezawa yonesora56
Hiroshima University Laboratory of Genome Informatics, Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for life

Hiroshima prefecture

Julian Geiger GeigerJ2
Chemist by training - Ph.D. in the ICIQ. Currently, Postdoc/Research Software Engineer at PSI. Love for everything FOSS 🚀

Paul Scherrer Institute Villigen

Bernd Doser BerndDoser
Scientific Software Engineer, Creator of @BrainTwister

Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies Heidelberg, Germany

yifeng-chen yifeng-chen
Happy Coding


Thomas Zwagerman thomaszwagerman
Research Software Engineer

@antarctica Cambridge

Niranjan Anandkumar niranjanaryan
The Engineer, Founder <⚡> Deceptive AI | AI Obsession , Research ⚙️ Product 🔱 AGI | AI for Masses | Breaking Barriers and Boundaries

Deceptive AI Greater Bengaluru, India

Luis Aparicio Pio82
Research Data Analyst, Bioinformatician.

Baltimore, MD

Tomi Toivio TomiToivio
Data Steward at Helsinki University.

Helsinki University Finland

Changlin Ke ElderMedic
MSc, BSc in Bioinformatics. What I cannot create, I do not understand. —— Richard P. Feynman

Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Volkan Ergin Volkan-Ergin
Discovery scientist dedicated to unlocking the promise of gene therapy.

Mass Eye and Ear - Harvard Boston

Andrew S. Rosen Andrew-S-Rosen
Assistant Professor of Chemical & Biological Engineering at Princeton University. Leading the @Quantum-Accelerators.

Princeton University Princeton, NJ

Matt Shin matthewrmshin
Expert Scientific Software Engineer

Met Office Exeter, UK

Boyang Zhao boyangzhao
MIT alum (PhD), research interests: genomics, drug resistance, systems biology/pharmacology, signaling

Boston, USA

Dave Roberson davidroberson
community engagement for biomedical research platforms

Velsera Greenville, SC

James Hinton james-hinton

Telespazio UK Basingstoke

Nikita Syzrantsev nsyzrantsev
Bioinformatics developer

@BostonGene Yerevan, Armenia