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Max Buchholz 1Maxnet1

datagon GmbH Germany



Carlos H Salvador carloshsalvador
Biologist, Ecologist, Data Scientist


Giuliano Castiglia glncstgl

University of Konstanz Konstanz

Julian Kamphausen jkamphausen
🎓 HCI M.Sc. @UniSiegen 🚲 Cyclist ❤️ Webbased Software × User Experience × Psychology × Interaction Design

University of Siegen × Freelancer

Tom Schmidt tomlschmidt

@MSCG Wolfsburg, Germany

Mausio mausio
Developer & IT-architect @ NetzeBW; Currently studying CS in bachelor.

NetzeBW Karlsruhe

Volkan Welp LegeBeker
Programming languages I use are C, Python, PHP, Java and JavaScript. My username is a sort of antonym in Dutch of my firstname.

@brixion The Netherlands

Aaron Wagner AAWA-byt
"Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, but I'm not quite sure about the universe yet." - Albert Einstein
