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Hasan Kayan hasan-kayan
I am an inquisitive and solution-driven individual with proficiency in web development and a knack for implementing automation solutions in software.

Ankara / Turkey

Melanie goldfishlaser
Interests: tech writing, amatuer programming, iterative design. Ask me about 3D printed buskill cables. Currently studying hardware repair & hacking
Helier Camejo heliercamejo
Automation Engineer | IoT | SmartHome | Firmware Developer

SMaBiT Cuba Cuba

CCodeRun ionate
Smart Cities: Pioneered AI and IoT integration, delivering cutting-edge automation solutions that drive innovation in smart environments. UtilizeAI.Net

UtlizeAI.Net Texas

Shaun Lin Fashaun
I'm what I read, what I eat , and what I listen to.

Moxa Taipei, Taiwan

Nationsorg nationsorg
International association Nationsorg

Nationsorg France

Elias mezrher
Student Computer Science
Public Profile Nazli Dollah 910101014321 14126120941512121180414934817
World. Bank T445 DSO DSOO1 DSOO2 MD wafariena roslan MD Lisa +16502531035 500 m paid sys secure company property.

Company Location

icing@tomato:~# IcingTomato
Microsoft WVD/FSLogix/Hyper-V Engineer, @lenovo ThinkSystem/Nutanix Engineer

@Lenovo Wuxi, P.R.China

ShiauweiZhao ShiauweiZhao
Flight control engineer


A seasoned IT professional with over 20 years of experience in system administration, user / system support in L1, L2, and L3 technical support in converged Env
daniel_park donghoonpark
Engineer, Samsung Electronics Company

Samsung Electronics South Korea

Peter gammels
Eng. with CNC hobby with Fedora


zhizhou zhizhouzh

ASR Microelectronics(Shanghai)Co., Ltd. Shanghai, China

big radish phoenix9668


Sarah Teixeira xcyph
The Hague University of Applied Science - Network and systems engineering student


Lauren Jones laurendjones
Computer Engineering Student @ Cal Poly SLO
Rubén Moral rubenmoral

Digi International Inc. (@digidotcom)

Amrit Dhaliwal AmrDhaliwal
Software Developer

Kelowna BC, Canada

Dirk Arnez dirkarnez
Freelance Software Engineer | Composer | Mixer | Multi-instrumentalist

Freelance Hong Kong

Sean Marquez capsulecorplab
Solarpunk OSHW developer
