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Esteban Orozco eorozco-leal
Research Assistant at the World Bank
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Yonatan D. E. yambs4
Education economics; rural welfare and off-farm income; Impact evaluation; Tex, Stata, R, Python, SQL

Wolaita Sodo University Wolaita Sodo and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Fatima Karout karoutfatima
Economics & Computation

World Bank

On Ki Wong awongonki

University of Maryland @undp New York

Geo Data Science, Network Science, Designerd. Working with spatial data. PhD candidate in causal modelling.

University of Bristol Shanghai/ London

Juan P. Fonseca-Zamora juanfonsecaLS1
Transport Planning

University of Leeds UK

Allister Hodge Allisterh
Economist with interest in data science and programming.

Eastern Caribbean Central Bank St Kitts and Nevis

Daksh Walia dakshwl
MPhil-DPhil in Economics at University of Oxford
Kirtika kriitikaa

UC Berkeley Berkeley

Aboubacar HEMA Abson-dev
Peace and Love

International Development Africa region

Samuel srosenow
Empirical trade and development economist


Merina Islam Mou MerinaMou

BRAC Institute of Governance & Development, BRAC University Dhaka, Bangladesh

Zhang.Wenlan wenlanzhang
RA at WBG, PhD candidate at CASA, UCL

World bank Washington DC

Jonathan Garcia Fuentes jonathangarciaf
Development Economist in the making. Meanwhile, Regional Targeting & Research Advisor for Southern Africa at WFP

@WFP Johannesburg, South Africa

Ileana Marroquin ileanamarroquin
Data Analytics Enthusiast | Research topics: Public Management and Capacity Building | She/Ella Pronouns

@worldbank Washington D.C.

Raseen raseen3
MS CS Student @ VT '24
Shotaro Beppu shotarobeppu
Economics and Data science

Tokyo, Japan

Dieynab ddiatta
Research Analyst


Hunain Bin Sajid HunnySajid
I am a Full Stack Engineer having experience with various web technologies including MERN, GraphQL, Postgres, Typescript, AWS & Firebase


Dustin Marshall dustinmarshall
Data Science | Software Development | Research Engineering

Los Angeles, CA