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Csaba Sallai csabika98

SmF2YSBTb2Z0d2FyZSBEZXZlbG9wZXIgYXQgQElubm92ZW8= Budapest, Hungary

Darcy Turk darcyturk
Interstellar Urban Planner

Greater Los Angeles

Bruno Saraiva fbrunosf

ZoneSoft Portugal

Eason Li (zenith) eli32-vlc
Average python dev | HALO and Star Wars addicted.

uwu mars

Aleksander Kutycki olekkut
Tech-Savvy IT Profesional | Proven experience in the financial and hospitality sectors

WSB Academy

alas Alastrantia
heyo, dm me on dc: alasstrantia i am not responsible for any consequences caused by the abuse of my work.

Alastrantia Labs #notgonnatellyou

Krzysztof Dobrzyński Sejoslaw
Senior Software Engineer | Investor on Warsaw Stock Exchange | ChromeOS / BSD / Linux | C# / C / Python | I used to mod Minecraft @SejoslawMods

Warsaw, Poland

Ryan Summer ryansummerscripts
This is my personal repository for sharing scripts with the audio community and beyond.

Los Angeles, CA

Fisher Lee fisher158163
Focus on Apple's Platform, Electron, Flutter, and learning some new technologies...

VisionChina Media ShenZhen, China

Caleb Calebh101
Self-teaching to be a software engineer, currently know enough to make decent websites and currently trying to learn Flutter.