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hyohyeon08 hyohyeon08
인공지능을 공부하고 있는 학생입니다.
Comodo pdh0128
I am a 4th batch student of Busan Software Meister High School.

Busan Yeongdo

전민오 jbj338033

Daegu Software Meister High School

이은호 Eunho0922

Daedeok Software Meister High School Daejeon

김경호 \|O-O|/ rlarudgh
To iterate is human, to recurse divine.

; Seoul

b_g 1408bg
The stupidest person in the world


주원 qkrwndnjs1075
Hello, I'm Park Joo Won, majoring in backend!

Daedeok Software Meister High School

김재현 Jeric1223

Daedeok Software Meister High School Daejeon

도훈 coehgns

Daedoek Software Meister High School JeJu

이용진 Leesin0222
회사용 개발계정은 따로 있어요. 이건 제 개인 코딩 놀이터 계정입니다 :)

DBDLAB (디비디랩) Seoul, Mapo

Yeong joon potatovllage
Better late then never

@dodamind Seoul, Republic of Korea

주영 juyeong525


CHO, JUNSEO jcho0216

@Cenaclesoft South Korea