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Hello world!

@EPFL Switzerland, Lausanne

Dandy Arya Akbar SKYTEXCoder
I code stuff sometimes.

Universitas Negeri Jakarta Jakarta, Indonesia

Pratyay Banerjee nitrospark
I collect information across the web ❯ A bot crafted by @Neilblaze 🦄

TU Munich / @TUM-Dev Munich, Germany ✧

Zihan Yan yzihan
HCI researcher with DL skill
Bahar Radmehr BaharRadmehr
Ph.D. Candidate at EPFL. Reinforcement Learning and LLMs Research.

@epfl-ml4ed Lausanne, Switzerland

Reza Adinepour rezaAdinepour
CE Student @ AUT

Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnique) Tehran, Iran

Adrian Kondrat AdrianKondrat
Technology Entrepreneurship graduate with experience as Data Manager and Project Coordinator. Passionate about Product Management, games industry and no-code.

PLUGin Foundation | IPE London

Chenguang Pan cgpan
Ph.D. candidate in Measurement, Evaluation, and Statistics.

Teachers College, Columbia University New York City

Hongming (Chip) Li hichipli

University of Florida Florida, US

Abhinand Shibu abhinandshibu
PhD Machine Learning for Education @ EPFL & ETH

EPFL London

Iman Mohammadi Imanm02
Final-year Computer Engineering student at the Sharif University of Technology.

Sharif University of Technology Tehran

Massinissa HamidiMassinissa

@evry-paris-saclay Paris

Jerry Zuo zuojr
Undergraduate, Tsinghua University

Tsinghua University Beijing

Neel Shah Neel-Shah-29
Machine Learning | Web Development | SDE @ BNY | GSOC '22 '23 @CERN HSF | Summer@EPFL @epfl-dlab @epfl-ml4ed | CS@VJTI


Hello darkness my old friend

MS&E, Tsinghua University Beijing, China

Mohammad Javad Maheronnaghsh mjmaher987
ML Student at CE Department

Sharif University of Technology Tehran, Iran

Aayush Kumar Aeyush10
CSE Sophomore at IIT Kanpur
Varun Sappa varun-sappa
Junior Undergrad, AE, IIT Kanpur '25


Shashwat Gupta ShashwatGupta2001
IIT Kanpur CSE'24

IIT Kanpur (Student)

Andrew Ellis awellis
cognitive scientist

Bern University of Applied Sciences Bern, Switzerland

Arun Balajiee Lekshmi Narayanan a2un
PhD Student. Javascript, Python, C++, Java, R. Quizzer. Love transforming coffee to code

@IITH Pittsburgh

Tracy Shen tbs17
ML/AI Engineer in R and Python | Triathlete and Rock Climber | Multi-lingual

Unstructured State College, PA

HangyuWang justarter
SJTU CS undergraduate, CS master


Vinitra Swamy vinitra
PhD student at EPFL (@epfl-ml4ed, @epfml). Formerly @vinitra-zz, alum at Microsoft AI @onnx and UC Berkeley @data-8.
Seyed Parsa Neshaei spneshaei
PhD Student at EPFL --- Researcher at the intersection of HCI, ML, NLP, and digital education
Hammad Mobin hammadmobin
MS CS @ Texas State University

Austin, Texas

Kate Shved cattik1
PhD student at ML4ED lab

@EPFL Lausanne