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Stephen Hurd HurdDFIR
I like to code DFIR solutions and automations. Most of my tools are directed at pretty specific tasks, but hopefully you can find a use case for them too.

Optiv Ontario

Cătălin George Feștilă catafest
I was born in 1976. I like programming. You can find me on the internet with nicknames: catafest and mythcat.

freelancer Fălticeni , Romania

Jefrey Allen j1z4
we want to harden your endpoints (respectfully)

DMPS, Iowa Tech Education, Pi515 United States

Boyd Fields boydfields

Hertfordshire, England

Seva D. vaguue
What if trees produce oxygen as a strategy to cultivate us, only to consume our bodies when we die and decompose?
Nikos Vourdas nickvourd
Just your friendly neighborhood APT:~# OSWE | OSEP | OSCP | OSWP | CRTL | CRTO | OASP

Evil Corp Ltd. Chicago, IL, USA

Dan danzek
Laser kittens. 4n6 iz meowzek to my ears.


Tony Kline (BMDBTECH) Tony7466
Medically retired IT manager/US Army veteran. Currently freelancing/consulting and building & honing my skills and tool-set.


Kaeem Ibrahim Mahmoud Kareem-Ibrahim-Mahmoud
backend .Net Devolper || Security Opreation Center(Soc)


K3rn3l Panic AnkurYogi
Security Engineer & a novice researcher :) Focused on Advanced DNS evasion, malware reversing, and detection techniques.

isecurenet Mumbai

iefuzzer iefuzzer
Cargo Capital

Cargo Capital Macau

Please don't connect your DC directly to the internet. Thanks
durandal gitdurandal
Hi I'm durandal. I make things that break things.

Hephaestus Security Consulting Group, Inc. Durandalingrad

Luke LukeBlueLOx
Luke From the Giant Mountains

BLOX - Solutions Forge Giant Mountains

m@rco marcoheijkoop
Rotterdam | ICT (security) | Smartphones / watches | Domotica | Social Media | EDM | Working @ SEVENP

@sevenp Rotterdam

johnny_r3v df-dev
Kindness isn't weakness
Sebastien Kaul KaulSe
Partner & Technical Team Lead @SecurityDiscovery

@SecurityDiscovery Hamburg

JD Wang jdw1023
Python Kotlin JavaScript | Computer Science/Systems and Networks BS/MS | Cyber Security | University of Delaware '23 '24

student at University of Delaware & Delaware