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Carolina Cordero ccalvarez
Full-stack software engineer. Web3 adventures in Hi-Fi.

San José, Costa Rica

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Dioni Leandro Ramos dioniramos
💹 Economia & Investimentos | Promovendo uma cultura data-driven forte para decisões de investimento inteligentes em todos os setores da bolsa de valores. Junte

Assessor de Investimentos - AAI (Ancord) Santa Catarina - Brasil

Humberto Anjos hanjos

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Alex Nunes de Sousa alexnuneszo
Atuário / Actuary

Seguros Unimed São Paulo

Junior Hoffmann junior-hoffmann
Desenvolvedor de software e apps!

Gramado - RS, Brasil

Pedro Henrique Da SIlva Amorim titular33
Junior Developer, ex-chairmen of CAS IEEE-UFJF. I am passionate by Javascript, React and Arduino! Let´s code together ?

IEEE UFJF BR, Juiz de Fora MG

Marcelo Lopes da Silva desenv-marcelo-silva
Web developer. Love learn and enjoy things like Javascript. Always learning and spread knowledge

Home Brasil / São Paulo / São José dos Campos

F Maik FranciscoMaik
Graduating in Information Systems for Universidade Federal do Piauí. Enthusiastic of developing web applications.

@EWZ-capital Cajamar - SP

Emilio Heinzmann emiliosheinz
Graduated with a B.Sc. degree in Computer Science and Senior Frontend Software Engineer at Cloudbeds, I'm always learning and improving myself.

@cloudbeds Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul

Rafael Viveiros rviveiros

DuoDev São Paulo, SP

Pedro Barão phbarao

@infinitybase Brazil

Rythelle C. Pereira rythelle
Software developer - NodeJS 💻 Industrial automation systems programmer - SCADA and PLC 🤖


Bruno Palhano jbrunopg
Desenvolvedor Back-End | Back-End Developer | Python | SQL | Java | C# | PHP |

Itaitinga Ceará

Gabriel Arnecke Gabriel4Arnecke
- Estudante de Eng. da Computação (UNIVESP - 2019)

Embraer S.A. Araraquara - SP

Estudante de Programação e Tecnologia ! Em busca de conhecimento ...

Olinda, PE / BR

Computer Engineering following professional carrer in automotivite industrie.


Felipe Figueiredo philsf
Quantitative Methods in Public Health | Applied Stat | Applied Math | I love complex modeling, simulations, and sci-fi.


Allan Mariano genivalallan
An enthusiast programmer. Web developer working with Javascript, Typescript, React and C# .NET Core. Additional knowledge in HTML, CSS and Bootstrap.