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Junao Zhao zja2004

东南大学 Nanjing,China mainland

EL-Amrani Youssef REp007
Fake it until you Make it!
Daniela dggtn

freelance Argentina

Aunshon Aunshon
Software engineer

@weDevsOfficial Dhaka , Bangladesh

孟广明 xiangmeng123
Automation Engineering Student at Beijing University of Technology (BJUT)


Adriel O'Malley Agentoma
Adriel O'Malley is an accomplished project manager with expertise in computer development and infrastructure management, passionate about AI.

AOM Canada

Khalila khaliladev
Chill human being (and pseudo bodyboarder) on a mission to use technology to contribute to education and society, bit by bit.

São Paulo, Brazil

Thabo Makhele cyberdemigod
Cyber Security Consultant @ Township Technology | Certified Specialist in Cyber Security

KagisoOnline (Pty) Ltd South Africa Johannesburg

Forestin WAMBA Wambaforestin
Étudiant en ingénierie informatique | 3ᵉ année EPSI
Passionate solo developer focused on visuals.
David Alberto García Estrada DavidAlberto
Doctoral student in Biología Inetgrativa at the Unidad de Genómica Avanzada, Cinvestav.

Unidad de Genómica Avanzada, Cinvestav LANGEBIO, Libramiento Norte, León Km 9.6, 36821 Irapuato, Gto., México

Thomas Brown ThomasKorin

Henan Institute of Technology

Adelmon Souza adelmonsouza

Application Developer Braga, PT

Joel A. Rodrigues Joel-Rodrigues404
Sou apaixonado pelo mundo da tecnologia da informação. Sempre estou em busca de oportunidades para me aperfeiçoar e me aprimorar como desenvolvedor.

Sobral - CE - Brasil

Aizen Baidya aizenbaidya
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Cupertino, CA

ArchieDev242 ArchieDev242
Game and software developer (for now), passionate about 3D, creativity, music, electronics, and all things tech

student of the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" Okhtyrka, Sumy Region, Ukraine

Shreya Jain shreyaj661
Budding Researcher| Computational Linguistics | Python | NLP | ChatBots | OCR | ML | AI | CI/CD Pipelines

Universität Tübingen Tübingen, Germany

Katerina Akilah H. xrockat
Infrastructure Technology Solutions


Devyn Johnson DevynJohnson
Full Stack Developer | Web development, front-end and back-end technologies, and application development.
Learning| Computer Applications Student | Exploring |

Sirhama, Kashmir

Icaro Lordes Icarolordes-dev
Sou Ícaro, um programador iniciante em transição de carreira e muito sonhador. 👨🏾‍💻🔆

Vila Velha, ES

Ahmed-Khalifa911 Khalifa59
ASP.NET Developer, Computer Science student IT⁴ Department, passionate about developing software solutions.
Emeterio II. B. Figuracion EmeterioF
A student in New Era University
Francois Novalentino Sinurat FrancoisNoval
Hello everyone, my name is Noval

Sumatera Institute of Technology Indonesia

Aswin S Soman AswinSSoman
@AswinSSoman Graduate, Curently doing Ph.D, Bioinformatician & auto enthusiast.

IISER Bhopal, India Bhopal