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Using Terragrunt for large scale disaster recovery #110

Answered by brikis98
pete0emerson asked this question in Help
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We can't provide advice on disaster recovery in general, as it will be VERY use case specific. E.g., What data do you have? How are you replicating it? What sort of consistency requirements do you have? How do you handle DNS fail over? And so on.

All we can comment on here is, in relation to Terragrunt, if you have an environment env1 deployed, how can you structure your code so it's easy to quickly spin up a duplicate environment env2 (e.g., in case of disaster recovery)? Here's the rough idea:

  1. Create env1 using Terragrunt (i.e., folders + terragrunt.hcl files), with each source URL pointing to a specific version of your modules.
  2. Ensure that any parameters that must be set differently i…

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