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Stephen smw3022

Whiskey Rebel Recording

Benjamin-sat Benjamin2099
👋 Hallo, ich bin Benjamin! 🚀 Lets Develop Brain | 💻 Open-Source-Enthusiast 🛠️ Tech: Blockchain, ML, DL, Java, Python, RUST, C++ , SQL ,Docker


Guido Schmidt guidoschmidt
Creative programmer from Heidelberg, Germany Heidelberg, Germany

Simon Dai dsx1986
Learn and enjoy
Daniel Rosehill danielrosehill
Exploring AI, like everybody else. Particular interests: proactive context development to create light RAG pipelines for hyper-personal inference. Also: agents!

DSR Holdings Jerusalem

Miki miktok-agency
Owner of a non-profit social media agency. All for the good against hate and negativity.


Hiroto N. hironow

freelance Tokyo

Leonardo Alves leo-statai
Hi, I'm Leonardo - a lifelong learner passionate about diving into the fascinating realm of AI, computer science, sw engineering, stats and data analysis.

Campinas, São Paulo

James A. Black Jr. jamesblackjr

Programmer Incorporated LLC

Kcorac kcorac
I'm an extremely handsome Muki that tries to make games with Kala.

Independent & Handsome Perú

Max maksimyugai
Keep Calm and Code


Gabriel Guerreiro guerreiro
Full Stack Entrepreneur

@RedFoxTech São Paulo, Brazil

Hi, I'm Johan Link 👇👇👇👇👇👇
Qasim Afzaal Qasim-afzaal
Hello! I'm Qasim Afzaal, a seasoned Mobile Application Developer with 6 years of hands-on experience in Mobile Dev and AI.

Techinoid Camden, New Jersey, USA