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Edwin Anajemba anajembaedwin
Software Engineer

Netzence Sustainability Limited Abuja

Junhua Chang junhuac
AI Researcher & Consultant. Over 20 years of experiences shipping world class software products and services.

Seattle, WA

Nicolas Luck lucksus
Founder @coasys, inventor of The ADAM Layer. Former @holochain core lead developer. Working on tools that enable and promote social organisms.

@coasys Recklinghausen, Germany

Devon Guerrero papagunit
Solutions Architect at BDO Digital. Marketing Automation Consultant specializing in Eloqua.

BDO Digital @HadooToo @ConfieSeguros San Diego, California

Friso FreesoSaiFared
Life philosophy and writings as software project. Wave one. The AI State. A implementation of the state through AI. Legal Status of a Religion.

StateOfAI Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Steven M. Caruso smcaruso

Steven M. Caruso Design Studio Brooklyn, NY

Matt Hargett matthargett
dad, husband, songwriter, gaymer. music: LI: Twitter:

San Francisco, CA

anselm anselm
Applied Philosophy. @makerlab 🇨🇦

Makerlab San Francisco

Faizan Khan faizankhan1995

Bentley Systems Inc Islamabad, Pakistan

Hanzla Mateen hanzlamateen
Passionate about technology. Building open immersive social spatial web at @theinfinitereality

Infinite Reality, Inc. Islamabad, Pakistan

arpu arpu

1170 Vienna

Liam Broza mrhegemon

@CompanionIntelligence @TheInfiniteReality @EtherealEngine @LifeScopeLabs @LagunaLabsio Laguna Beach, CA

Josh Field HexaField
Building Spatial Internet APIs, tools and protocols.