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Aquira AquiraS
Photographer・Videographer / MusicLUVer Creator / Artist *2023〜I am creating code for Photo edit! Do you wanna join? or invite me .please

Aquira Japan

Xibei MrSibe

Sichuan Agricultural University Chengdu

Francesca Borg francesca025
Maltese astrophysicist studying the Milky Way.

University of Belgrade Malta

21world jelspace
BASIC INCOME is give free money for all , opposite to: forced take VAT tax from all , In prevention from demonetization recession.

BASIC INCOME is free money for all , opposite to VAT tax , for prevent from demonetization

Yifan Wang fengshun124
Nomad@XJTLU / UoL

Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Suzhou, PR China

バラ Voyager III chikobara
🌌 "In the vast expanse of code, I navigate the stars of logic."


Tatiane Corrêa taticorrea
Bacharel em Física pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Mestranda em Astronomia no Observatório Nacional (ON)


Matteo AstroTeo99
Astronomy Student | University of Padua Passionate about electronics, I enjoy exploring and working with codes in my spare time, particularly using Python.

Italy, Sardinia

Debasish_Hazarika DebasishHazarika
Ph.D. student - Astronomy | INCT-UDA, Chile | DataSc enthusiast 📊

Institute of Astronomy and Planetary Sciences, University of Atacama, Chile Chile

Dr Simon P Young spyphyz
Consultant Paediatric Neuroanaesthesist (NHS). Graduate physicist (OU). Soon to be MSc Space Science student (OU). Data analyst, neuroscientist, musician.

NHS Argyll, UK

Joseph Rachid Farah jrfarah
Astrophysicist. Ph.D. student at UC Santa Barbara, VLBI imaging of black hole accretion flows and supernova ejecta.

Las Cumbres Observatory Goleta, CA

Iliana Cortés Iliana-Cortes
Ph.D. student in astrophysics Astroinformatics at HITS

HITS Heidelberg, Germany

Evelina Zaharieva ZaharievaEvelina
PhD student in Astrophysics - Аctive galactic nuclei study through structure functions and reverberation mapping

Department of Astronomy, Sofia university

Macx Buddhi Chaturanga bupa8694
Master Student at Uppsala University

Uppsala University Uppsala, Sweden

Conor Ransome AstroSkip
Postdoc at Harvard with an interest in interacting transients, their progenitors and their environments.

Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian Cambridge, MA

Huy G. Tong TGHuybu
Computer Vision Undergraduate | Astrophysics Research Assistant

VNUHCM - University of Science

saki.u s-a-ki

graduate student Japan

Chiara Trombino ChiaraTrombino
Astrophysics student at Università degli Studi di Trieste


Ricardo da Rocha ricardodarocha
Sou designer com experiência em produtos, softwares e interfaces. Sou desenvolvedor Delphi|Quiu e estudo novas tecnologias como Rust e Python

Ubá, MG

NoguerFederico noguerfederico
Undergraduate Student of Astronomical and Planetary Science with a minor in Physics at Arizona State University.
Gabi Matzeu gabimoog
Astrophysicist working on black hole winds (or ultra fast outflows) in Active Galactic Nuclei

European Space Agency United Kingdom

Paul Boley pboley

Max Planck Institute for Astronomy Heidelberg, Germany

Rui-Zhi Li (李睿智) Astro-Lee
I am a graduate student in astrophysics.

Kunming, China

Ole Streicher olebole
Astronomy, Software, Debian, Open Source

Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics @aipescience Potsdam, Germany

Rui Zhu astro-zhurui
PhD student in Astrophysics at PKU

Peking University Hogwarts

I'm a scientist student


Inspired by that I might slowly improve my coding to be a better servant.
Raphael Erik Hviding TheSkyentist

Max Planck Institute for Astronomy

Paolo Falomo XPOL555
Senior Developer

Interlogica Italy

Mithrandir 0J3lack0
The laws of physics is the canvas God laid down on which to paint his masterpiece. & A Wizard Is Never Late, Frodo Baggins.

Rosewise Çanakkale