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Mathieu Servillat mservillat

Observatoire de Paris Meudon, France


AAO, Macquarie University

James Tocknell aragilar
PhD Student in Astrophysics

AAO, Macquarie University Sydney, Australia

Greg Sleap gsleap

Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy Greta South, Victoria, Australia

Sara Bertocco bertocco

OATS-INAF Trieste Italy

Brian McLean DaftPict

Space Telescope Science Institue Baltimore MD USA

David Rodriguez dr-rodriguez
Astronomical Data Scientist at MAST

@STScIMAST Baltimore, MD

Lloyd Woodham lloydwoodham
Research Associate in the Space & Atmospheric Physics Group at Imperial College London, exploring the evolution and dynamics of the solar wind plasma.

Imperial College London London, UK

Renaud Savalle rsav

Paris Observatory

Anne Raugh acraugh
Data Standards expert for the PDS Small Bodies Node at the University of Maryland.

PDS Small Bodies Node (@Small-Bodies-Node) University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA

Robert J. Rovetto rrovetto
Interdisciplinary researcher. Conceptual Modeler. Semantic Data. Ontology. Terminology. Philosopher. (Open to study & employment opportunities, worldwide