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Uğur Arıcı ugurarici
Digital Product Manager/Developer based in Istanbul,Turkey

@madebysense İstanbul, Turkey

Youcef Youcefkouaouci
Développeur Web "en formation 2024-2025" #OPEN_TO_WORK


Hassan Ahani hasan-ahani
Senior Frontend Developer

Tanvir Bin Faruk Ramim githubramim
👋 Hi, I'm Tanvir Bin Faruk Ramim, a Level-IV certified web designer and developer from Bangladesh Technical Education Board.

Cox's Bazar

Grigol Tchaava SUXUMI
Full Stack Web Developer Tbilisi, Georgia

Sandro Rybárik rybarix
Software engineer focusing on understanding stuff works under the hood. Drop me message at sandro[at]

@fisheriohub Netherlands

akif göktaş akifgoktas
Web Developer


Nafis Chonchol chonchol-alzaf
Software Developer

@alzafltd Tangail

Daniel Vieira eudanielvieira

@danielvieira Ipatinga - MG

Thomas P. revoverflow
Engineering student and security researcher. CTF Player at Hexagon

CentralSaaS Lyon, France

DxiCode dxicode
Empresa de desarrollo de software.

DxiCode Universidad del Istmo, Santo Domingo Tehuantepec, Oaxaca.

Cícero rocha cicerorocha

SES - MS Campo Grande - MS

Sergey Chernov web-inwall
I write in PHP and Laravel

Rômulo Reis Tavares Romulo-Reis
💻 Desenvolvedor Full-Stack com formação em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas e Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Software. Experiência com Node.js, PostgreSQL

Abra Cadabra Lagoinha, Nova Iguaçu/RJ, Brazil

Lupete Placide lupete3
Je suis passionné par le développement des applications Web et Mobile; Je partage tout ce que j'apprends par la communauté à travers ma chaîne YouTube

PDevTuto Bukavu, DRC

Pablo Nunes Pabloopk
Desenvolvedor Web.

Freelancer Brasília-DF

Jordan Grogan Groganj89
Full Stack Developer in VueJS & Laravel, with MySQL expertise. Skilled in Windows & Linux SysAdmin. Experienced in web development.

Lesar Uk Ltd Blackburn

Andreas Schantl andjsch

@schantldev Austria

Miguel A. Morales mormig35
An entrepreneur was passionate about technology, innovation, new business ventures, and crypto. 🚀💼🧑🏼‍💼📈🪙

@subngrill Orlando, Florida USA

Jhon Eric Aton Jhoneric12

Antipolo, City Philippines

jason-me jason-me
Accessibility Engineer with interest in Open-Source projects that enhance human freedom.
Mike Alberts dawebmastaa

Rule The Web LLC Portland, ME USA

Hawkar Mohammad HawkarMohammad
Web Developer

FastTeam Iraq

Galih Anggoro Prasetya galihap76
Interested in Backend Development and Penetration Testing.

Tegal, Indonesia

Grant Carver grantcarver

@syntactical-code Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Judel Fintch judelFintch
I am a passionate web developer with extensive experience in designing and creating user-friendly, high-performance websites and applications.

Fintchweb RDC, Lubumbashi

Eris Sulistina sejutaimpian
Semoga diriku tetap semangat ngoding


Mohammad Hafijul Islam hafijul233
Software Engineer, Problem Solver, Traver and Tech Enthusiast

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Glenn Raya glennraya
Full-Stack Web Dev (Laravel/React/Vue/TailwindCSS), hopeful iOS dev, front-end, back-end, PHP, HTML, CSS, ES6+, TypeScript, DevOps


AI in PM ai-in-pm
Influencing AI in Project Management.
Eikonsphere Eikonsphere

Eikonsphere Eikonsphere

php, python, JS

@AxonJsLabs Iran, Mashhad

António Pedro antonio-pedro99
Software Engineer | Ex-Undergraduate Researcher at IIITD's MIDAS Lab | LFX mentee'23 at CNCF working on Strimzi | OpenHack'2

Devexperts Angola, Luanda

Hélitto S. Ferreira 0xBlooD

/@Kayser-Informatica /home/blood

Shivaji Chalise shivajichalise
exists 0 on success, and panics if an error occurs


Debanjan Roy debanjancred
Be precise and accurate


Andreas andreasnij
Software Developer (using mostly PHP & JavaScript)

Dynamic Visions Stockholm, Sweden