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Siza Mpafa SizaMpafa

UCT GSB Solution Space

Saddam Hussain saddam330

Coventry, UK

Rodrigo Alberto rodalbert
Coder, Data Analyst, Student

Lisbon, Portugal

Diego Marin DIGORACCOON4279
Although I haven't been in this field of technology for a long time, I love web development and ux/ui design, combination of creativity & logic.
Wellyson Freitas wellyfrs
Senior Software Engineer at @n26

@N26 Barcelona, Spain

Marlon Steiner MarlonSteiner
Baby Programmer in need of Milk


Fabian Kohlbacher fabkohlb
Passionate about data science and AI, leveraging my background in Molecular Biotechnology and Biomedical Sciences to extract insights from complex datasets.


Tanguy Richard Tanguyrhd
French Mechanical Engineer based in Montreal, I quickly developed a strong passion for data and programming and aspire to become an expert in these fields.


Suheyb haaji haaji1
Hello everyone! My name is SUHEYB HAAJI, and I am super excited to start this journey of learning Full Stack Web Development at L

Cape town south africa

I'm an aspiring UX/UI designer / Web developer. I love things seamless. Getting to improve experiences for the better.
Laurent Lefebvre ldlefebvre
Technical skills spanning from SwiftUI, Ruby on Rails, HTML, SCSS, JavaScript, Firebase, SQL, and more
David Leuliette flexbox
Fetching JSON and rendering rectangles.
Chad Niewenhuis Sidechain-Chad
I'm Chad, I'm a record producer and sound designer with aspirations of becoming a software & blockchain developer.
Raydev92 raymondcedric92

Le wagon fresnes 94260

phaedonv phaedonv
- Remember, An empty search history reveals more than a full one. - Until we meet again!

Restaurant at the End of the Universe

SheryllD SheryllD
Marketing Pro by Day, Data Queen by Night, and Coder for Life!


Dillon Steele Dillontsteele
"Musician & web developer crafting immersive digital experiences. Blending sound, visuals & code. Open to collaborations! ๐Ÿš€๐ŸŽธ

Freelance Brussels

Waleed Ibrahim iWaleedibrahim
"I'd rather die of passion than of boredom" Vincent Van Gogh

Cairo, Egypt

Victor Vera viktor1280
Apasionado de los negocios /marcas Mission driven.


Robin Architecht25
๐Ÿ‘‹ Hello, Iโ€™m Robin du Parc! Entrepreneur | Tech Enthusiast | Renovation & Public Funding Expert | Vinyls digger
Marianne marianske
Outdoor lover, previously working in Communications, turned Data Analyst.
