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Han scheehan
typical person interests to explore the unknown


Nel M. Betancur nelbetancur
art & architectural historian

National University of Colombia

Eliseo Jacob EliseoJ

Howard University Washington, DC

Christof Schöch christofs
Doing Digital Humanities at University of Trier, Germany

Trier University, Germany Europe

Adil Haimoun Hi-Moon
Agile Project Management | Digital Transformation | RPA


Simha Vyshantha

IBM | Universität zu Köln Germany

Cody Carvel ccarvel

Brown University Library

Sergei Pashakhin paskn
Researcher with Chair of Political Science, with special focus on Digital Transformations

University of Bamberg Bamberg, Germany

DG demigrigo

IHB- Institute for Habsburg and Balkan Studies, Austrian Academy of Sciences Vienna