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Sergii Zaslavets ImMrSage
Patient and dedicated QA Engineer with great passion for detail, expanding my skills towards web and gamedev.

Germany, Hamburg

Uschi Hofmann uschihofmann Frankfurt am Main

Chiara Mezzavilla samurang87
Cake is always the answer.


Merna Hesham MernaHesham
Data Scientist with a great passion for teaching.
Jady le Bars whereisjady
Business development & project management specialist | Berlin, DE | Currently studying front-end web development
Yassine Belloum YassBe
PhD in liquid biopsy & translational cancer research
Parsa Azari parsaa74

Tehran, Iran

Marthilda Vollmer Thildi
Currently learning Webdevelopment at neuefische

Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

Julia Bellmann juliabellmann
Certified Web Designer; Certified JavaScript Developer; soon: Web Developer
👋 Hi! I’m a Junior Full Stack Developer skilled in Java, React, and JavaScript, with a focus on DevOps. I’m also an AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner.
ivanchertov ivanchertov

@neuefische Germany

sulfidate | marcus krause sulfidate
data analyst | web developer | media consultant | superhero & dad 🦇 hamburg (de)

Stephen Ategie sategie
Full Stack Developer - Java | JavaScript | TypeScript | Python | Spring Boot | React.js

Würzburg, Germany

Alba C. FiAlb
Junior Data Analyst | ❤ Python and SQL