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ZhangPei zhangpeijlu
learning programming.


Eric Tellez erictellez
Physicist working at the Geophysics Institute and School of Languages Linguistics and Translation, UNAM.


Tim timothymorse

San Francisco, CA

YoungDon Choi DavidChoi76
Principal Researcher in K-water (Korea Water Resources Corporation)

K-water Daejeon, South Korea

Matias Suarez matias-suarez
Licentiate in physics (FaMAF-UNC) PhD student in Engineering at National University of Córdoba Assistant Professor of Physics

FaMAF - UNC Cordoba, Argentina

Avijit Majhi AVI68

University of Cagliari Cagliari, Italy

_ivaquero_ ivaquero
Minimalism Follower & Fan of Command Lines
Issam LAGHA issamlagha
Hi, I'm a Meteorologist, but I'm more interested in Numerical Weather Prediction modelling and Data Assimilation.

ONM Algeria Algeria

Skillwon phil-skillwon
Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand. Linugears Intelligent Technology

Linugears Intelligent Technology Australia Sydney

FermiQ FermiQ
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC


Jian Kang jiankang1991
Associate Professor at Soochow University

Soochow University Suzhou

Magnus Oksbøl Therkelsen macnetic
@esa Young Graduate Trainee, Advanced RF Payloads and Remote Sensing Instruments

@esa The Netherlands

Oleksii Schastlyvyi luckyalvy
CEO at MeteoLab Inc. | Founder of Rain Viewer and Habit Hop | Weather Enthusiast | Software Engineer

@rainviewer Naples, FL

Scott Thorpe sthorpe
Sold startup MogoTix. Building from the ground up Blockpire, StartupTrader and EditPage.

EditPage LLC


East China Normal University Shanghai

ringsaturn ringsaturn

@caiyunapp Beijing

PTsarev p3tsata
I'm a hydraulic and hydrology engineer, focused on river flow simulations and spatial analysis of geo data using Python, R, and various geospatial tools. I enjo

NIMH Plovdiv, Bulgaria

John Barratt johnbarratt

Trendsmap Melbourne, Australia

Tyagi Vaibhav VTIITI

IIT Indore Indore

Thomas Bøvith thomasboevith
Some of my code. Feel free to use it—and contact me if you have any questions or comments.

Copenhagen, Denmark

Hamid Ali Syed syedhamidali

Purdue University West Lafayette

Yang Li bugsuse
Numerical Model, Data Assimilation, Machine Learning
Anant Aiyyer aiyyer
Associate Professor

North Carolina State University Raleigh

Nanda na9da

Melbourne, Australia

张栋杰 china-zhangdj
IoT,open sourse hardware.

MagicCube Co., Ltd. Shandong Province, China

John Chavarro jchavarrodiaz
Agricultural Engineer, M.Sc. Hydrosystems, Python beginner and teacher. My interests are geosciences, mainly agriculture and stochastic hydrology

Bogota, Colombia