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John Mark Bodegas JMBodz

RapidSignal Electronics Philippines

Vuong Le lequocvuong
Senior Engineer - BIDV Bank

BIDV Bank Việt nam

Kotbi Abderrahmane abdorah
Software development engineer at @aws

AWS Morocco

Anurag Tyagi anuragtyagi-dev
This just the Nerd-E world we're living in.....
Makoto "Dave" Nakai makotonakai
DevOps enthusiast

@rakutentech Tokyo

Mamadou BAH bah99

ATOS Lille, France

Ryan Shang ryqdev
言一。 2yanyi
Write some code occasionally

China HangZhou

xbarat xbarat
product builder

@AWS San Francisco, CA

Naldo Wang uestcNaldo

Chengdu, Sichuan, China

Eason Chai hackerchai
Backend developer interested in Golang | Rust / GSoC 2020 Student / @qiniu ex @zeabur / OpenPGP:2808 CA08 7B16 3A86

Qiniu Cloud LibrePlanet

Ryan Zhu underthestars-zhy
Designer & Developer | Founder of @AdventureX-RGE

Z Moon

Claro B. Aguinillo Clarodon2 Zone 4 Malibtong Olag Pequeno Tinambac Camarines Sur Philippines

Mr Tung mrtungdev
A simple tech guy

@StickyQR Đà Nẵng

Kirill Zhuravlev kazhuravlev
Software Architect, Go dev

Barcelona, Spain

Stephan Hadan stiebke
💻 OSS enthusiast | 🔧 Mac & beyond sysadmin | 🤖 AI practitioner | 🆔 Zero Trust advocate | 🚀 Open Source > proprietary | Always exploring tech’s edge!

Pforzheim, Germany

Brian M Johnson Brian-M-J
Student. AI, Mojo and Python enthusiast.
Yann.Chao ityc
Treat high-quality code as dignity and personal reputation.


James H. Nguyen ipv1337
Principal Cloud Platform Engineer

FLYR, Inc. Irvine, CA

Patrick Arminio patrick91
Working on @strawberry-graphql, a Python library for creating GraphQL APIs 🍓 @pythonitalia // @EuroPython

@fastapi London

Lucas Bonnaire CORT1N
Si tu ne sais pas, apprend. Si tu sais, partage.

Groupe Audéo France