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Xianqi LIU xianqiliu
golang/python/php/java... [email protected]


ebwood ebwood

Wood Tech

roadlabs roadlabs
保持平和 保持简单


mayulu mayulu

ISV Shanghai

Ahmed Tadde ahmedtadde
Software Engineer

Washington, D.C

i am just a bot stars interesting projects
Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Noah (Pham Tran Khoi Nguyen) khoinguyenpham04
Computer Science @ University of Manchester


MrTech Solutions mrtechsolutionsllc

MrTech Solutions United States

Joshua Reola joshreola
Global Spark Tropo API Evangelist

Austin, Tx

Bukit Sorrento bukit-kronik

KRONIK Bandung, Indonesia

Felix Vemmer feliche93
Freelancer, Founder & Indiepreneur. Scaling link building with AI at

FV Ventures UG Berlin

Mike Bifulco mbifulco
Developer Advocate, author, podcaster, helping react devs build great products & companies. Past: Google, Stripe, Microsoft, smpl, Gymnasium

Co-founder, CTO @ Craftwork Charlotte, NC

Mark Backman markbackman

@daily-co Atlanta, GA

Reactive Space reactivespace
We don’t do miracles for organisations. Not because we can’t, but because we have Blockchain, Data Science and AI to do it for us.

Reactive Space Ltd. Dubai

ltsimpso ltsimps
Deliberate Practice Repo
Joshua Crowley joshuacrowley
UX Designer and Educator

Ojschwa Sydney, Australia

Culture.Support CulturesSupports
Javascript , fluttee , codepen

Culture.Support Repository On Profile

Yichao Xie iskey

Member of @huaweicloud Beijing,China

chnl chnl

chnl SoCal

pascal-maker pascal-maker
checking some repos and doing some side coding


Mike Brummett GoDjMike
I curate (and launch) useful AI/ML tools. AI/ML est 2015. Solopreneur, INTJ-A.

Solopreneur (AI/ML, SaaS, B2B) Kansas City, MO

Abdallah Mohammed AbdallaMohammed
I'm fallen in love with Laravel, WordPress, CodeIgniter, and CNNs


Ujjwal Tak codefoxut

@big-jobs Gurugram, Haryana

Manish Panwar themashcodee
Probably laughing with joy and contentment rn

Wrenly AI New Delhi, India

Thetoolist ThibaultMardinli
Curious serendipitor

Chaditaik Toulouse