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Gab cocogab

Fractal Continuity

Luisa Fernanda Velásquez luforestal

@UniversityofCaliforniaDavis Davis

Daniel Guerrero dfguerrerom

FAO @openforis Rome, Italy

Prakash Pun prakash-pun
Learning, GOING INDIE 😁 @IndieHyve
PawsFunctions: Where every function gets a 'paws' for thought -- because even code deserves a catnap!

Paws & Functions

Personal account of the director of the V4NT. See @OfficialV4NT for official repositories.

V4NT Thailand

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Danielka evolbug
Help, I have accidentally become a developer


Will Mather willmav5000

@ThinkEQ Manchester, United Kindgom

Yorke Rhodes yorhodes
ordered chain of diff blocks

@hyperlane-xyz brooklyn

Shane Loeffler Shane98c

@carbonplan Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA

Piotr Podusowski podusowski

Wrocław, Poland

Porush Manjhi Porush

Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India

Fábio Franco Uechi fabito
MLOps engineer @halter

Halter Auckland - New Zealand

Maximilian Nöth maxnth

@uniwue-zpd Würzburg

Phil Chu technicat
Just archives and temporary forks here, and the occasional bug report. My active repos are on Codeberg and GitLab. I am not your Copilot.

Technicat LLC Earth

Fabrizio Finozzi finozzifa

open-energy-transition Varese

magazinkrisso 13inccc
➕🔒🔞📂▫️\\ sofia

Meng Lin MengLinMaker
A lover of all things engineering and design

Worked @CSIRO Data61, building @musidi-org Victoria, Australia

Matusalem Marques mmar
Pro·gram·mer, n., a person who writes computer programs.

@eyenov-solutions Lisbon Area, Portugal

Justin Lewis justinlewis

TerraFrame Marble, Colorado

Totogro Totogro

Totogro Totogro

Lotfi Messaoudi volkovmqx
Currently Working on @jetfisystems

Jetfi Systems GmbH Leipzig Germany

Pierre-Alexis M. Pamavoc
Developer with a strong interest for mobile development & product design

from @gobelins. ex @IBM @withings-sas & @medicitv Lausanne

Paul Eipper lkraider

nKey Mobile Solutions Brasil

Claude Stabile ClaudeStabile
Triple'A IT architect and specialized consultancy - Open source & webRTC Jitsi docker realtime openfire expert Free-Solutions Sàrl owner

Free-Solutions Sàrl Switzerland

"iOS & Android App Developer | Creating innovative mobile solutions | Expert in mapping and geolocation features 📍"
Fabian Rechsteiner FabianRechsteiner

Geomatik- und Vermessungsamt Stadt Winterthur

Bart Louwers louwers
Maintainer @maplibre Native

Germany, Europe

Chetan ChetanXpro
I love building stuff


Brent Deverman deverman
Apple Ecosystem & Productivity Expert | Solution Architect & Software Engineer | Empowering Innovation on iOS, macOS, and Beyond


Kevin Malaver kmalaver
Software developer Go, Js

Bogota, Colombia

Nathan Lee Nathanllee1
I'm learning software dev focusing in web development and data science.

Oakland & San Luis Obispo