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Marton Tasnadi kistasi
‘98 | drama aspirant | software developer | waldorf | freeszfe | budapest | he/him

Software Developer Budapest, Hungary

Vivek K J vivekkj123
A 21st century teen, who loves programming, Web development, Etc.

IBM India Software Labs, Kochi Kerala, India

Adwaith Rajesh Adwaith-Rajesh
A typical open-source dev. Loves AI ML with a tint of System Software

Kannur Kerala

Fredy Somy fredysomy
Co Founder @Blackswitch-Tech, Formerly SDE Trainee at Koll Corp, Founded @proxpi , and maintainer of @pysonDB

@ReproLoom @PysonDB @Blackswitch-Tech Kerala

Craciun Andrei HackNuke
A self-taught developer from tutorials and lessons, I was able to acquire some development skill from the internet. I prefer the best way to get the job done!