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Turjo S. turj0s
just code...

Rangpur - Bangladesh

Xavier Foucrier xavierfoucrier
I am a Senior Creative Developer from La Rochelle, CEO of Studio MOTIO. I love Open Source, UI/UX design, motion, graphics and mapping.

Studio MOTIO — @studiomotio La Rochelle, France

Adrien Schaller adri1s
CEO of @pg3io

@pg3io Lyon, France

Nathan Chambrette ( Lehomar2vinci ) Lehomar2vinci
A sound guy who want to learn about code and game dev.

Metz, France

Jayant Rohila jayantrohila57
I'm a web developer. Loves to make responsive designs and animation on the web apps and sites make sure to check below link.

@Codemevel Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India

Salah Eddine Hamadi Gasoil-Gfx
Front-end Developer

Casablanca, Morocco

Nemo nemoeric
Shopihacking since 2016

kercambre Paris

ctrl+c jyon124
Software Engineer

Amazon, ex-Apple San Francisco Bay Area

Reksa Andhika reksaandhika
Independent Creative Developer


Antoine Cantoro antoineCantoro
Front-End Developper at Troa. Keep discovering new things ...

Troa France, Montpellier

Lou Kail Loustoc
into hardware, creative tech, interactive experiences and all things tinkering

🏢 associate creative web dev @AKQA-Group || 🏫 Student at @Gobelins Paris

Luis Gonzalez gogl92
Information Technologies Engineer.

@inquid Texas + Florida + Mexico

Cao Trung Thành Caotrungthanh

JAMstack Viet Nam 19 Bửu Đóa, Phước Long, Nha Trang - Khánh Hòa

Cao Trung Thành TrungThanh-Cao
Hi, I'm Front-End Developer. I'm from Vietnamese. I'm just a normal guys who want to change a world by coding <3

JAMstack VN 180/9A Bui Van Ba, District 7, HCM City

Bagaski bagaski
design ** front-end development ** creative coding ** sound **

9999999 Like this Berlin

Lalith Kishore sometimesdante
// Just another pirate sailing the internet


Thanh Nam Tran ttran293

Media Cybernetics Inc Rockville, MD

Thomas Navarro thomasnavarro

@smartfire-company @woody-wordpress Lyon, FRANCE