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Odai Nasser odainasser
Backend Software Engineer.

Amman, Jordan

NKCSRairdrop NFT Finance Guardian NKCSRairdrop
**NKCSRairdrop NFT Finance Guardian** là NFT độc quyền, đại diện cho quyền tham gia Airdrop và sử dụng ứng dụng quản lý tài chính thế hệ mới của NKCSRairdrop.

NKCSRairdrop Visionary usa

Robert Wilk Robert-Wilk
Graduate of University of North Carolina at Charlotte Summa Cum Laude
yaachay yaachay
Arakanese Full-Stack Developer

Ann Township, Rakhine State, Myanmar

Abdhilahi R. Wabwire AbdhilahiRWabwire
Software Developer

Hyaena Technologies

Denis denomite
> Rust


Adan Silva secmancer
Cal Poly SLO CS 27 | Data and Security Concentration

California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo California

rob RobertasMurnikovas

Vilnius, Lithuania

Ivan Dirigir
I really believe committing every day to an open-source project is the best practice
Rahul Patle mentei
A chill guy learner and working to solve the technical problems
Alexander Veselov owlscatcher
👋 I'm an engineer and Ruby on Rails / C# developer in the largest reactor complex in Europe. Open for new proposals and interesting projects!

АО ГНЦ НИИАР Dimitrovgrad

Rıza arsahindev
just curious 👨‍💻


SolMatts SolMatts
🚀 Web3 Wizard | Rust Rockstar | 🧙 Smart Contract Specialist | Full-Stack Innovator


Randy Tan oneseedfruit
Tropical fruit with only a single seed. Unriped and sour. Fruitily making games at @gamkedo-la. Curly Tropical Observer at @Gameka-games. Pfp: @Chikoness💍❤️

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / Coventry, United Kingdom (teleporter)

xizheyin xizheyin

Nanjing University Nanjing

▄︻デքօȶǟǟǟȶօ══━一 potaaatoo
I'm a beginner in front-end web development (HTML / CSS)

Angers, France

Ozgur zgrlin

@gooseyinc Estonia

mi clarredd
no you crpr
Guilherme Caldas guilhermecaldas
Developer and lover of opensource projects. I want to thank the community, collaborating and giving back the work I have received for years :)

@ChemisTechlabs São Paulo, Brazil

Digvijay Padhiyar digvijay-tech
A Seeker forever.

London, UK

Ayush Thakur ayushthakur18
Hi there! I'm Ayush Thakur, a Master of Science in Computer Application candidate with a deep passion for technology. I'm always eager to explore and experiment

@ozoneapi Pune , India

Deniz Erdag derdag

@capitalone Tampa, FL

Iyuiah Testementie Tokigawa IyuiahTestementieTokigawa
Gamer on Professional Level, creator of Cryptocurrency, Ecosystem, Network, Blockchain, Trader, Merchant.

DarkRespite UnGdLY