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Dappster Labs- Web3 Staffing, Sales, Security Solutions and Dapps funkymonkey5150
CryptoHeadHunter or @funkymonkey5150 I’m a dynamic and passionate tech enthusiast deeply rooted in the fast-evolving world of blockchain technologies, cryptocu

@web3Labs_ BUGbustersnetwork 90210

Tashrique Ahmed tashrique
Incoming SWE @meta | CS @ Berkeley & Williams | Full Stack, Automation

Berkeley, CA

Marko Rillo markorillo


Alexis Li liyanzhuo2022
New in coding.

The Netherlands

Zhengqiang Liao Zane-Liao
Learning Computer Science
Matt Lindsey mattlindsey
Retired software professional interested in web development and ai

@AgileVentures Boston, MA

Hale HaleOIC
Hi, I am hale yang, keen for discovering more things in Programming Language


Wenhao Shi wenhaomason

University of Southern California LA, CA

chukwu kelvin kelvin-c-web
Software and Application Security Engineer also into DevOps/Cloud Engineer.


wid widnyana
{Cloud Infrastructure, Software, System} Engineer

@damarseta @redite Indonesia

Zhiyang Ong eda-ricercatore
A multilingual, globetrotting cultural chameleon pursuing U.N. SDGs

Design Automation Renegades In passato, vicino al Dolomiti

Jerry Zzz212zzZ
Incoming SDE intern @ Amazon | Computer Engineering Master @ CMU

Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, USA; Chongqing, China

积小步 Accumulating small steps 简单不顾虑

Microsoft Beijing

Wicky wicky-andrian

@rails-id - @GitIndonesia Jayapura

Steven Beales stevenbeales
I am a drug safety and clinical trials subject matter expert who develops clinical trials apps in Ruby, c#, Javascript, Python and Delphi.


Gabriel Rodrigues gabrielsr
A software engineer with a passion for all things related to engineering, coding, computer science, and learning about new domains.


Kechen Liu kechenkristin
天行健,君子以自强不息, 地势坤,君子以厚德载物

University of Exeter Exeter

Abhishek Thakur iamabhishekt
let Abhishek = new Developer() const learning = true while(learning){ keepcoding() }

Harrison, NJ

Alan McKay alanmmckay
Computer Science graduate student at University of Iowa.

University of Iowa Iowa City, IA

mike wong mike96265
Fascinated by the intricate challenges in operating systems, databases, and distributed systems. Eager to continuously learn.
