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Kenneth Seet itstrueitstrueitsrealitsreal
Penultimate CS @ NUS

National University of Singapore Arizona

Ang Wei Jun Bryan bryangwj

University of Cambridge

Ryan Ong ryanozx
NUS Mathematics and Computer Science student (2022)


YASH GUPTA yashguptatech

Shoora Tech. , Josera South Delhi

Muhammad Afif Abroory afifabroory

PT Patria Maritim Perkasa (PATRiA Group) Balikpapan/Banjarmasin, Indonesia

Wilson Widyadhana wilsonwid

National University of Singapore Singapore

Juan Torchia JuanTorchia

Lakaut AC Buenos AIres

Jayaprakash (JP) Balakrishnan rushtojp
Multi-Cloud - DevOps Architect / Trainer Mentor at GreatLearning, Flat6Labs and IntelliPaat Bangalore