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Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Igor K Laymer
Softwre QA Engineer @ nokia. Breaking things is my favorite thing to do. Erlang, TCL and SROS enthusiast. ex. Researcher @uclouvain @LightKone

Nokia Bell NV Belgium

Dmytrii Borymskyi borymskyi
Software Engineer specializing in Backend Development, particularly in Erlang/Elixir, Java.


Arne Unruh arneunruh
There is no space.


Naseer Ullah Awan NaseerUllahAwan
Web Developer, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, PHP, Laravel, MYSQL, Blogger, Flutter.

Coming Soon!!! Pakistan

Krystyna Mianaviatte
You can either be too strong to fail or too weak to try... again 💙💛
Paulo R. A. Sales salespaulo
Desenvolvedor desde 2002, amante de desenvolvimento, matemática, física, filosofia, antropologia e espiritualidade! Tudo de bom neste mundão!! :)

Freunde Von Ideen São Paulo

Austin Ray austospumanto

@saxecap San Francisco, CA

Bruno Dias diasbruno
(and ☕ 🛹 🎾 🎼 λ)


Shkurko Denis Pauper33
KPI FICT group IP-73