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Zhao JIe Jerrisk
Computer vision, Recommendation System, NLP

Tongji University Hangzhou, China

Tawanda tawanda263

Bulawayo Zimbabwe

杰西酱 heyJessie1993
微信:13605788816 职业:互联网技术猎头 擅长【数据分析/数据科学/算法/机器学习】岗位;2018年3月5日开始做猎头,最高年业绩172万

Hang Zhou

Enrique Ulises Báez Gómez Tagle enriquegomeztagle
- AWS Data & AI Engineer - MLOps / LLMOps - iOS Lab's Software Architect - App Development with Swift Associate (by Apple Inc.)

Mexico City

Zihan Guo guozh23
My name is Zihan Guo, a student at Tsinghua University, majoring in Computer Science and Technology.

Tsinghua University Tsinghua University

Ye SydCS
This is Ye, Working on NN ...

Nanjing University

Shi Boxiang www-David-dotcom
A Tsinghua student

Tsinghua University China

The Yemeni King mohy7792

The Yemeni king personally world

zhenchen zhenchen
Research on Computer Science.

Tsinghua University Beijing

Chindriș Mihai Alexandru chindris-mihai-alexandru
memento mori

Siemens Romania Cluj-Napoca

Uday techUdayMungalpara
Hobbyist developer


Ahmed Mohameden dr-ahmed
PhD in Data Science | TensorFlow Certified | Coordinator of the Professional Master's Program

Université de Nouakchott Nouakchott, Mauritania

Xuefen Sprinter1999
Ph.D. student@Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Beijing, China

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


G | T Tyne-GW
Running through life with a torch in one hand and a sword in the other

Hong Kong

AiLinorca AiorcaLin
Machine Learning(AI、Opencv) Internet(CTF、CVE、0DAY)
TopSecretAgent007 topsecretagent007
blockchain | Ai Agent | web2/web3

China HangZhou

wolfjobs-feng wolfjobs
FrontEnd developer

Beijing. China.

Yuantao Yang(Ayuan) finger1517
pretending to be a programmer

Zhipu Beijing, China


Tsinghua Univ Beijing

Contropist contropist
手工故事艺人,次世代魔法师。 Handcrafted Story Maker, Next-Generation Magician.

Osome Labs The Real World

Nho Luong nholuongut
💁Vietnam DevOps Engineer Lead🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳 🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳Vietnam Timeless Charm 🥰Enjoy Every Moment 🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳😜Good Vibes Only

DevOps and Platform Services Lead From Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam

James, the mind reader jamesyanjingyu
Not a programmer

Galaxy far far away

Yuanpin Zhou yuanpinz
Machine learning engineer in medical AI, specializing in histopathology, radiology, medical image analysis and weakly supervised learning.

Hithink RoyalFlush Information Network Co.,Ltd. Hangzhou

Forence Forence1999

The University of Hong Kong China

Acan Zeyu-Xie
This is Acan, who always feels sleepy in winter days.

Stockholm University Stockholm, Sweden