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Hiroki Kano hiroki-kano


Wajahat Razi wajahatrazi
Engineer trying to learn something new, every other day

xFlow Research Inc Islamabad

Kevin Wang amd-kevinwan

AMD Santa Clara, CA

Shridhar Joshi joshishr
Working on HPC Exascale research. Has worked on hp-ux compiler and run time.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) Bangalore (India)

Rida Hanif ridahanif96
Senior Research Engineer Ethernet @Huawei | xTechnical Lead @xFlowResearch | C/C++ Developer | SONiC NOS, OMNET++ , Network Simulators | Researcher

Huawei Technologies Co Ltd. Germany

Zhe Li AtaraxiaZ

@Bytedance Shanghai, China

Derek Schumacher shubacca23

Hewlett Packard Enterprise

sgz gzshan
school of computer science,BUAA
Dragos Cantemir dcantemir-keysight

Keysight Technologies Bucharest, Romania

Horace He Horacehxw
Done is better than perfect.

Huawei Technologies Beijing

Gihwan Lee gihwanlee-mb

MangoBoost Inc. Seoul, Korea.