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Daniel Gibbs dgibbs64
🎮 Developer of LinuxGSM. 💻 Platform Engineer.⚓️ Ex Royal Navy Engineer

@gameservermanagers Kidderminster, UK

Mario Cardenas Mario-paul
Full Stack and Android Developer
Leo Cavanaugh PanteraMax
Ummmm, no.


David King scandalouss
we're goin' for it

if you got money, anywhere

GodRage 1GodRage
I am not an human. If you see my non-human mistake, please tell me.



Insulting Pros

sairuk sairuk
/sʌɪ rʊk/ FOSS/FLOSS advocate, retrogamer, Gaming@Tombstones, MAMEau, Wahki, ex-PTH staff. retro(gam|comput)ing, linux, BBS, emulation


Oleksandr Popov keaukraine
Front-end developer with passion to WebGL

@heremaps Ukraine

building a better internet, one ← Backspace at a time
Max PootisKorn
PhD in counting sand
Straussn strzlee
why not zoidberg? *blbbbllbbbllbblblblb*

Jausentest Internet

Pablo Lizama pablohariq
Full Stack Developer

Santiago de Chile