diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 3a54d5f..b92da28 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -16,3 +16,42 @@ $ vendor/bin/psalm
+This plugin aims to avoid code like this:
+function a(string $potential_int){
+    $int = (int) $potential_int;
+    //...
+This cast is performed on a string that could have any value from a static analysis point of view.
+The issue can be resolved in a few ways that will force you to have a better confidence in your variables types.
+- You can check that the variable is indeed numeric:
+function a(string $potential_int){
+    if(is_numeric($potential_int)){
+        $int = (int) $potential_int;
+    }
+    else{
+        //throw
+    }
+    //...
+function a(string $potential_int){
+    Assert::numeric($potential_int);
+    $int = (int) $potential_int;
+    //...
+- You can make psalm understand that the function expects a numeric (this will force you to correctly type any input to this function):
+/** @psalm-param numeric-string $potential_int */
+function a(string $potential_int){
+    $int = (int) $potential_int;
+    //...