Indigo version of turtlebot arm code. It should easily work on Hydro, too. Package turtlebot_arm_moveit_demos provides use examples to start playing with the arm on MoveIt!, while the recovered on indigo turtlebot_arm_block_manipulation provides a more complete and interesting demo.
Open your xacro-macro-magic URDF, and add something like:
<include filename="$(find turtlebot_arm_description)/urdf/arm.xacro" />
<turtlebot_arm parent="base_link" color="white" gripper_color="green"
joints_vlimit="1.571" pan_llimit="-2.617" pan_ulimit="2.617">
<origin xyz="0 0 1"/>
This will attach a turtlebot arm to your robot. Replace base_link with whatever link you want to attach to, and change the origin as needed. Apart from color, we can configure joints velocity limit and lower/upper limits for the first joint (arm_shoulder_pan) to allow accessing to different operational areas, e.g. left handed vs. right handed robot
Ensure you have all the required dependencies by running (you probably did it before compiling):
cd turtlebot_arm
rosdep install --from-paths -i -y src
Before start playing, I highly recommend to calibrate your camera extrinsic parameters following this tutorial
The turtlebot_arm_moveit_config/demo.launch is a bit wonky, but the move_group action underlying it works fine. To test your installation, run one of the demos (well, demo by now) from turtlebot_arm_moveit_demos, e.g.:
rosrun turtlebot_arm_moveit_demos