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+TensorFlow Serving Cluster PPML Tutorial
+.. highlight:: sh
+This tutorial presents a framework for developing a PPML (Privacy-Preserving
+Machine Learning) solution - `TensorFlow Serving `__
+cluster with Intel SGX and Graphene.
+.. warning::
+ This tutorial is an external contribution and wasn't reviewed as thoroughly
+ as the rest of the code. Please be careful, especially in terms of security!
+Simply running a TensorFlow Serving system inside Graphene is not enough for a
+safe & secure end-user experience. Thus, there is a need to build a complete
+secure inferencing flow. This tutorial will present TensorFlow Serving with Intel
+SGX and Graphene and will provide end-to-end protection (from client to servers)
+and integrate various security ingredients such as the load balancer (Nginx
+Ingress) and elastic scheduler (Kubernetes). Please refer to `What is Kubernetes
+`__ for more
+.. image:: ./img/NGINX-Ingress-Controller.svg
+ :target: ./img/NGINX-Ingress-Controller.svg
+ :scale: 50 %
+ :alt: Figure: Nginx Ingress controller
+In this tutorial, we focus on:
+- AI Service - TensorFlow Serving, a flexible, high-performance serving system
+ for machine learning models.
+- Model protection - protecting the confidentiality and integrity of the model
+ when the inference takes place on an untrusted platform such as a public cloud
+ virtual machine.
+- Data protection - establishing a secure communication link from end-user to
+ TensorFlow Serving when the user doesn’t trust the remote platform where the
+ TensorFlow Serving system is executing.
+- Platform Integrity - providing a way for Intel SGX platform to attest itself
+ to the remote user, so that she can gain trust in the remote SGX platform.
+- Elasticity - providing the Kubernetes service for automating deployment,
+ scaling, and management of containerized TensorFlow Serving so that the cloud
+ providers can setup the environment easily. We use Nginx for automatic load
+ balancing.
+The goal of this tutorial is to show how these applications - TensorFlow Serving
+and Kubernetes - can run in an untrusted environment (like a public cloud),
+automating deployment while still ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of
+sensitive input data and the model. To this end, we use Intel SGX enclaves to
+isolate TensorFlow Serving's execution to protect data confidentiality and
+integrity, and to provide a cryptographic proof that the program is correctly
+initialized and running on legitimate hardware with the latest patches. We also
+use Graphene to simplify the task of porting TensorFlow Serving to SGX, without
+any changes.
+.. image:: ./img/Graphene_TF_Serving_Flow.svg
+ :target: ./img/Graphene_TF_Serving_Flow.svg
+ :alt: Figure: TensorFlow Serving Flow
+In this tutorial, we use three machines: ``Machine A`` is the trusted machine,
+it can be a non-SGX platform or an SGX platform; ``Machine B`` is SGX-enabled,
+treated as untrusted machine; ``Machine C`` is the client.
+Here we will show the complete workflow for using Kubernetes to manage the
+TensorFlow Serving running inside an SGX enclave with Graphene and its
+features of Secret Provisioning and Protected Files.
+We rely on the new ECDSA/DCAP remote attestation scheme developed by Intel for
+untrusted cloud environments.
+To run the TensorFlow Serving application on a particular SGX platform, the owner
+of the SGX platform must retrieve the corresponding SGX certificate from the Intel
+Provisioning Certification Service, along with Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs)
+and other SGX-identifying information **①**. Typically, this is a part of provisioning
+the SGX platform in a cloud or a data center environment, and the end user can
+access it as a service (in other words, the end user doesn’t need to deal with
+the details of this SGX platform provisioning but instead uses a simpler interface
+provided by the cloud/data center vendor).
+As a second preliminary step, the user must encrypt model files with her cryptographic
+(wrap) key and send these protected files to the remote storage accessible from
+the SGX platform **②**.
+Next, the untrusted remote platform uses Kubernetes to start TensorFlow Serving
+inside of the SGX enclave **③**. Meanwhile, the user starts the secret provisioning
+application on her own machine. The three machines establish a TLS connection using
+RA-TLS **④**, the user verifies that the untrusted remote platform has a genuine
+up-to-date SGX processor and that the application runs in a genuine SGX enclave
+**⑤**, and finally provisions the cryptographic wrap key to this untrusted remote
+platform **⑥**. Note that during build time, Graphene informs the user of the
+expected measurements of the SGX application.
+After the cryptographic wrap key is provisioned, the untrusted remote platform may
+start executing the application. Graphene uses Protected FS to transparently
+decrypt the model files using the provisioned key when the TensorFlow Serving
+application starts **⑦**. TensorFlow Serving then proceeds with execution on
+plaintext files **⑧**. The client and the TensorFlow Serving will establish a
+TLS connection using gRPC TLS with the key and certificate generated by the
+client **⑨**. The Nginx load balancer will monitor the requests from the client
+**⑩**, and will forward external requests to TensorFlow Serving **⑪**.
+When TensorFlow Serving completes the inference, it will send back the result to
+the client through gRPC TLS **⑫**.
+- Ubuntu 18.04. This tutorial should work on other Linux distributions as well,
+ but for simplicity we provide the steps for Ubuntu 18.04 only.
+ Please install the following dependencies::
+ sudo apt install libnss-mdns libnss-myhostname
+- Docker Engine. Docker Engine is an open source containerization technology for
+ building and containerizing your applications. In this tutorial, applications,
+ like Graphene, TensorFlow Serving, secret providers, will be built in Docker
+ images. Then Kubernetes will manage these Docker images.
+ Please follow `this guide `__
+ to install Docker engine.
+- Python3. Please install python3 package since our python script is based on
+ python3.
+- TensorFlow Serving. `TensorFlow Serving `__
+ is a flexible, high-performance serving system for machine learning models,
+ designed for production environments. Install::
+ pip3 install -r ./tensorflow-serving/client/requirements.txt
+- Kubernetes. `Kubernetes `__
+ is an open-source system for automating deployment,
+ scaling, and management of containerized applications. In this tutorial, we
+ will provide a script (``install_kubernetes.sh``) to install Kubernetes in your
+ machine.
+- Intel SGX Driver and SDK/PSW. You need a machine that supports Intel SGX and
+ FLC/DCAP. Please follow `this guide `__
+ to install the Intel SGX driver and SDK/PSW. Make sure to install the driver with ECDSA/DCAP attestation.
+- Graphene. Follow `Quick Start `__
+ to build Graphene. In this tutorial, we will need to build Graphene in the
+ host to get the tool ``pf_crypt``, which will be used to encrypt the model file.
+- TensorFlow Serving cluster scripts package. You can download the scripts package
+ ``tensorflow-serving-cluster`` `here `__.
+Executing TF Serving in Docker
+We start with TensorFlow Serving running in Docker directly without Graphene.
+This example does not have confidentiality guarantees for model files and does
+not use remote attestation. In this tutorial, we will start from this example as
+a basis and will improve it to protect the files and involve Kubernetes.
+Executing TF Serving without Graphene in Docker
+Under the untrusted machine B, clone the GitHub repository with our provided
+scripts and go to the directory::
+ git clone https://github.com/oscarlab/graphene-contrib.git
+ cd ./graphene-contrib/tensorflow-serving-cluster/tensorflow-serving
+Preparing the Docker image
+First, use ``download_model.sh`` to download the model file.
+It will create the directory: ``models/resnet50-v15-fp32``.
+The model file will be downloaded to ``models/resnet50-v15-fp32``. After the
+model is downloaded, use ``model_graph_to_saved_model.py`` to convert the model
+Please replace ``${models_abs_dir}`` with the absolute path of your current
+directory ``models``::
+ ./download_model.sh
+ pip3 install tensorflow==2.4.0
+ python3 ./model_graph_to_saved_model.py --import_path ${models_abs_dir}/resnet50-v15-fp32/resnet50-v15-fp32.pb --export_dir ${models_abs_dir}/resnet50-v15-fp32 --model_version 1 --inputs input --outputs predict
+The converted model file will be under::
+ models/resnet50-v15-fp32/1/saved_model.pb
+Next, we will pull the Docker image of TensorFlow Serving.
+For example::
+ docker pull tensorflow/serving:2.4.0
+You can check the Docker image with below command::
+ docker images
+Image will look something like below::
+ tensorflow/serving 2.4.0 ffd2e2a4853e 5 seconds ago 298MB
+Now, we get the Docker image. When we use ``run_tf_serving.sh`` to start the
+Docker, it will call ``tf_serving_entrypoint.sh`` to start TensorFlow Serving.
+Then, we can send the inference request from the client.
+Preparing the TLS certificate
+We choose gRPC TLS and create the one-way TLS Keys and certificates by setting
+TensorFlow Serving domain name to establish a communication link between client
+and TensorFlow Serving.
+This domain name will be also used in machine A (the client).
+For example::
+ service_domain_name=grpc.tf-serving.service.com
+ ./generate_ssl_config.sh ${service_domain_name}
+It will generate ``server.crt``, ``server.key`` and ``ssl.cfg``.
+``server.crt`` will be used by the client and ``ssl.cfg`` will be used by TF Serving.
+Executing the TensorFlow Serving
+Start TensorFlow Serving in untrusted machine B::
+ ./run_tf_serving.sh -a ${image_id} -b 8500-8501 -c resnet50-v15-fp32 -d ssl.cfg
+*Note*: ``image_id`` is the new pulled Docker image;
+``8500-8501`` are the ports created on (bound to) the host, you can change them
+if you need.
+Now, the TensorFlow Serving service in the Docker is running and waiting for
+requests from the client.
+To run the client, under the untrusted machine C, clone the GitHub repository
+with our provided scripts and go to the directory::
+ git clone https://github.com/oscarlab/graphene-contrib.git
+ cd ./graphene-contrib/tensorflow-serving-cluster/tensorflow-serving
+Please copy the ``ssl_configure/server.crt`` generated under ``tensorflow-serving``
+in machine B to machine C.
+Then, add the mapping of the machine B's IP address to Tensorflow Serving domain
+name before DNS can be referenced.
+For example::
+ machineB_ip_addr=XX.XX.XX.XX
+ service_domain_name=grpc.tf-serving.service.com
+ echo "${machineB_ip_addr} ${service_domain_name}" >> /etc/hosts
+*Note*: Please make sure that the connection between machines A and B is good.
+``machineB_ip_addr`` is the IP address of machine B; ``service_domain_name``
+is a domain name of TensorFlow Serving installed on machine B.
+Start the client request with dummy image::
+ python3 ./resnet_client_grpc.py -url ${service_domain_name}:8500 -crt `pwd -P`/ssl_configure/server.crt -batch 1 -cnum 1 -loop 50
+You can get the inference result printed in the terminal window.
+In later sections, we will run TensorFlow Serving with Graphene inside
+SGX enclaves.
+Executing TF Serving with Graphene in SGX Enclave in Docker
+In this section, we will learn how to use Graphene to run the TensorFlow Serving
+inside an Intel SGX enclave.
+Please make sure that SGX is already enabled in your platform.
+Downloading the model was already described in the previous section, so let's
+start with creating a new Docker image.
+We use ``build_graphene_tf_serving.sh`` to create Docker image with Graphene.
+First, we want to highlight some options:
+In ``tensorflow_model_server.manifest.noattestation.template``, the manifest keys
+starting with ``sgx.`` are SGX-specific syntax; these entries are ignored if
+Graphene runs in non-SGX mode.
+Below, we will highlight some of the SGX-specific manifest and TensorFlow Serving
+options in the template.
+Please refer to `this `__
+for further details about the syntax of Graphene manifests.
+We mount the entire ``/Runtime/`` host-level directory to
+the ``/lib`` directory seen inside Graphene. This trick allows to transparently
+replace standard C libraries with Graphene-patched libraries::
+ fs.mount.lib.type = "chroot"
+ fs.mount.lib.path = "/lib"
+ fs.mount.lib.uri = "file:$(GRAPHENEDIR)/Runtime/"
+We also mount other directories such as ``/usr``, ``/etc`` required by TensorFlow
+Serving and Python (they search for libraries and utility files in these system
+For SGX-specific lines in the manifest template::
+ sgx.trusted_files.ld = "file:$(GRAPHENEDIR)/Runtime/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2"
+ sgx.trusted_files.libc = "file:$(GRAPHENEDIR)/Runtime/libc.so.6"
+ ...
+``sgx.trusted_files.`` specifies a file that will be verified and trusted
+by the SGX enclave. Note that the key string ```` may be an arbitrary legal
+string (but without ``-`` and other special symbols) and does not have to be the
+same as the actual file name.
+The way these Trusted Files work is before Graphene runs TensorFlow Serving inside
+the SGX enclave, Graphene generates the final SGX manifest file using ``pal-sgx-
+sign`` Graphene utility. This utility calculates hashes of each trusted file and
+appends them as ``sgx.trusted_checksum.`` to the final SGX manifest.
+When running TensorFlow Serving with SGX, Graphene reads trusted files, finds
+their corresponding trusted checksums, and compares the calculated-at-runtime
+checksum against the expected value in the manifest.
+The manifest template also contains ``sgx.allowed_files.`` entries.
+They specify files unconditionally allowed by the enclave. In this tutorial,
+Graphene will load the model file from below path::
+ sgx.allowed_files.model = "file:models/resnet50-v15-fp32/1/saved_model.pb"
+This line unconditionally allows files in the path to be loaded into the enclave.
+Allowed files are *not* cryptographically hashed and verified. Thus, this is
+*insecure* and discouraged for production use (unless you are sure that the
+contents of the files are irrelevant to security of your workload). In the next
+part, we will replace the allowed model file with protected model file.
+Here, we use these allowed files only for simplicity.
+To run TensorFlow Serving, we overwrite the executable name in the manifest::
+ loader.argv0_override = "tensorflow_model_server"
+In ``tf_serving_entrypoint.sh``, we set ``ENV SGX=1`` environment variable
+and build Graphene with SGX::
+ make -j `nproc`
+The above command performs the following tasks:
+1. Generates the final SGX manifest file ``tensorflow_model_server.manifest.sgx``.
+2. Signs the manifest and generates the SGX signature file containing SIGSTRUCT
+ (``tensorflow_model_server.sig``).
+3. Creates a dummy EINITTOKEN token file ``tensorflow_model_server.token`` (this
+ file is used for backwards compatibility with SGX platforms with EPID and
+ without Flexible Launch Control).
+After building all the required files, the command below in ``tf_serving_entrypoint.sh``
+will use ``pal_loader`` to launch the TensorFlow Serving workload inside an SGX
+ ${WORK_BASE_PATH}/pal_loader tensorflow_model_server \
+ --model_name=${model_name} \
+ --model_base_path=/models/${model_name} \
+ --port=8500 \
+ --rest_api_port=8501 \
+ ......
+*Note*: Please modify ``proxy_server`` in the script first according to your
+needs. Then, run the above command again.
+Now, we can build the Docker image with Graphene, and you can set the special tag
+for your Docker image::
+ cd /tensorflow-serving-cluster/tensorflow-serving/docker
+ cp tensorflow_model_server.manifest.nonattestation.template tensorflow_model_server.manifest.template
+ tag=latest
+ ./build_graphene_tf_serving_image.sh ${tag}
+You can check the created Docker image with below command::
+ docker images
+The newly created image will be shown similar to the below::
+ graphene_tf_serving latest 7ae935a427cd 6 seconds ago 1.74GB
+Start TensorFlow Serving in untrusted machine B::
+ cd /tensorflow-serving-cluster/tensorflow-serving
+ ./run_graphene_tf_serving.sh -a ${image_id} -b 8500-8501 -c resnet50-v15-fp32 -d ssl.cfg
+Now, we can use the same request from the client to do the inference.
+Executing Kubernetes to manage TF Serving with Graphene in Docker
+In this section, we will setup Kubernetes in the host under untrusted machine B
+to implement the elastic deployment.
+First, please make sure the system time in your machine is correctly set up,
+if not, please update it::
+ cd /tensorflow-serving-cluster/kubernetes
+Install Kubernetes::
+ ./install_kubernetes.sh
+Initialize and enable taint for master node. Kubernetes allows users to taint
+the node so that no pods can be scheduled to it, unless a pod explicitly tolerates
+the taint::
+ unset http_proxy && unset https_proxy
+ swapoff -a && free -m
+ kubeadm init --v=5 --node-name=master-node --pod-network-cidr=
+ mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
+ sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
+ sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config
+ kubectl taint nodes --all node-role.kubernetes.io/master-
+Second, we will setup Flannel in Kubernetes.
+Flannel is focused on networking and responsible for providing a layer 3 IPv4
+network between multiple nodes in a cluster. Flannel does not control how
+containers are networked to the host, only how the traffic is transported between
+Deploy Flannel service::
+ kubectl apply -f flannel/deploy.yaml
+Third, we will setup Ingress-Nginx in Kubernetes.
+Please refer to the Introduction part for more information about Nginx.
+Deploy Nginx service::
+ kubectl apply ingress-nginx/deploy.yaml
+Next step, let's take a look at the configuration for the elastic deployment of
+TensorFlow Serving under the directory::
+ /tensorflow-serving-cluster/tensorflow-serving/kubernetes
+There are two major Yaml files: ``deploy.yaml`` and ``ingress.yaml``.
+You can look at `this `__
+for more information about Yaml.
+In ``deploy.yaml``, it mainly configures the parameters passed to containers.
+You need to replace the graphene repository path with your own in the host and
+the Docker image created with your own tag::
+ - name: graphene-tf-serving-container
+ image: graphene_tf_serving:{YOUR TAG}
+ - name: model-path
+ hostPath:
+ path: /Examples/tensorflow-serving-cluster/tensorflow_serving/models /resnet50-v15-fp32
+ - name: ssl-path
+ hostPath:
+ path: /Examples/tensorflow-serving-cluster/tensorflow_serving/ ssl_configure/ssl.cfg
+In ``ingress.yaml``, it mainly configures the networking options.
+You can use the default setting if you just follow the above domain name already
+used, if not, you should update it::
+ rules:
+ - host: grpc.tf-serving.service.com
+Now, we can apply these two yaml files::
+ kubectl apply -f graphene-tf-serving/deploy.yaml
+ kubectl apply -f graphene-tf-serving/ingress.yaml
+We can finally start the elastic deployment by the following command::
+ kubectl scale -n graphene-tf-serving deployment.apps/graphene-tf-serving-deployment --replicas 2
+It will start two TensorFlow Serving containers and each TensorFlow Serving will
+run with Graphene in SGX Enclave.
+You can check the status by::
+ kubectl logs -n graphene-tf-serving service/graphene-tf-serving-service
+Once all the containers boot up successfully, we can send the request from the
+With this, we have implemented the elastic deployment through Kubernetes.
+In the next part, we will encrypt the model file and enable remote attestation
+for the secure end-to-end flow.
+Executing Kubernetes to manage TF Serving with Graphene with remote attestation in Docker
+First of all, please refer to
+- `Background on Remote Attestation `__
+- `Background on Protected Files `__
+- `Confidential PyTorch Example `__
+In this section, we will encrypt the model file before starting the enclave,
+mark it as protected, let the enclave communicate with the secret provisioning
+server to get attested and receive the master wrap key for encryption and
+decryption of protected files, and finally run the TensorFlow inference.
+Preparing Encrypted Model File
+Under the untrusted machine B, in the host, please download graphene source code.
+For simplicity, we re-use the already-existing stuff from the ``Examples/ra-tls-secret-prov``
+directory. In particular, we re-use the confidential wrap key::
+ cd /Examples/ra-tls-secret-prov
+ make -C ../../Pal/src/host/Linux-SGX/tools/ra-tls dcap
+ make dcap pf_crypt
+The second line in the above snippet creates Graphene-specific DCAP libraries for
+preparation and verification of SGX quotes (needed for SGX remote attestation).
+The last line builds the required DCAP binaries and copies relevant Graphene
+utilities such as ``pf_crypt`` to encrypt input files.
+Recall that we have the already converted model file under::
+ /tensorflow-serving-cluster/tensorflow-serving/models/resnet50-v15-fp32/1/saved_model.pb
+We first move the model file to ``plaintext/`` directory and then encrypt it with
+the wrap key::
+ mkdir plaintext/
+ mkdir -p models/resnet50-v15-fp32/1/
+ copy /tensorflow-serving-cluster/tensorflow-serving/models/resnet50-v15-fp32/1/saved_model.pb plaintext/
+ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./pf_crypt encrypt -w files/wrap-key -i plaintext/saved_model.pb -o models/resnet50-v15-fp32/1/saved_model.pb
+We now get the encrypted model file under::
+ /Examples/ra-tls-secret-prov/models/resnet50-v15-fp32/1/saved_model.pb
+Move this encrypted model file to replace the plaintext file under::
+ /tensorflow-serving-cluster/tensorflow-serving/models/resnet50-v15-fp32/1/saved_model.pb
+Preparing Secret Provisioning
+Under trusted machine A, the user must prepare the secret provisioning server
+and start it. We can build and run the secret provisioning server in the Docker,
+here for simplicity, we run it on the host::
+ cd /Examples/ra-tls-secret-prov
+ make -C ../../Pal/src/host/Linux-SGX/tools/ra-tls dcap
+ make dcap pf_crypt
+The last line builds the secret provisioning server ``secret_prov_server_dcap``.
+We will use this server to provision the master wrap key (used to encrypt/decrypt
+protected input and output files) to the TensorFlow Serving enclave.
+See `Secret Provisioning Minimal Examples `__
+for more information.
+We also need to copy the server-identifying certificates so that in-Graphene
+secret provisioning library can verify the provisioning server (via classical
+X.509 PKI). This step is done in ``graphene_tf_serving.dockerfile`` as below::
+ cp -R ${GRAPHENEDIR}/Examples/ra-tls-secret-prov/certs .
+The ``server2-sha256.crt`` under the directory ``certs`` is loaded in
+provisioning server (verifier), and will be sent to the client during TLS
+handshake, but it was designed for local (single-machine) test.
+We need to regenerate the ``server2-sha256.crt to support remote (two different
+machines) test. For ``server2.key`` and ``test-ca-sha256.crt``, we keep them as-is.
+Generate new `server2-sha256.crt`::
+ cd ./mbedtls/tests/data_files
+ vim Makefile
+Please search and modify ``CN=localhost`` to ``CN=attestation.service.com`` as
+ server2.req.sha256: server2.key
+ $(MBEDTLS_CERT_REQ) output_file=$@ filename=$< subject_name="C=NL,O=PolarSSL,CN=attestation.service.com" md=SHA256
+You can set your special ``CN`` value::
+ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../../install/lib/ make server2-sha256.crt
+Then we will get the new ``server2-sha256.crt`` and use it to replace the one
+under ``ra-tls-secret-prov/certs/``.
+At last, we also need to add this new domain name to DNS records list so that
+the remote communication can be established::
+ echo "${machineA_ip_addr} attestation.service.com" >> /etc/hosts
+Now we can launch the secret provisioning server in the background::
+ ./secret_prov_server_dcap &
+For TensorFlow Serving, ``loader.env.SECRET_PROVISION_SERVERS`` in the manifest
+(see below) must point to the address of the remote-user machine.
+Preparing Manifest File
+Go to the directory::
+ /tensorflow-serving-cluster/tensorflow-serving/docker
+First let's look at the ``tensorflow_model_server.manifest.attestation.template``.
+Define the model file as ``protected_files``::
+ sgx.protected_files.model = "file:models/resnet50-v15-fp32/1/saved_model.pb"
+We add the secret provisioning library to the manifest.
+Append the current directory ``./`` to ``LD_LIBRARY_PATH`` so that TensorFlow
+Serving and Graphene add-ons search for libraries in the current directory::
+ loader.env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH = "/lib:/usr/lib:$(ARCH_LIBDIR):/usr/$(ARCH_LIBDIR):./"
+We also add the following lines to enable remote secret provisioning and allow
+protected files to be transparently decrypted by the provisioned key.
+Recall that we launched the secret provisioning server remotely on the machine A,
+so we re-use the same ``certs/`` directory and specify ``attestation.service.com``.
+For more info on the used environment variables and other manifest options, see
+`here `__::
+ sgx.remote_attestation = 1
+ loader.env.LD_PRELOAD = "libsecret_prov_attest.so"
+ loader.env.SECRET_PROVISION_SET_PF_KEY = "1"
+ loader.env.SECRET_PROVISION_CA_CHAIN_PATH = "certs/test-ca-sha256.crt"
+ loader.env.SECRET_PROVISION_SERVERS = "attestation.service.com:4433"
+ sgx.trusted_files.libsecretprovattest = "file:libsecret_prov_attest.so"
+ sgx.trusted_files.cachain = "file:certs/test-ca-sha256.crt"
+Preparing Kubernetes cluster DNS
+We need to configure the cluster DNS in Kubernetes so that all the TensorFlow
+Serving pods can communicate with secret provisioning server::
+ kubectl edit configmap -n kube-system coredns
+A config file will pop up, and we need to add the below configuration into it::
+ # new added
+ hosts {
+ ${machineA_ip_address} ${attestation_host_name}
+ fallthrough
+ }
+ # end
+ prometheus :9153
+ forward . /etc/resolv.conf {
+ max_concurrent 1000
+ }
+``${machineA_ip_address}`` is the IP address of remote machine A;
+``${attestation_host_name}`` is ``attestation.service.com``.
+Building and Executing TensorFlow Serving Cluster
+Now we will build the new TensorFlow Serving Docker image.
+Build Docker image::
+ cd /tensorflow-serving-cluster/tensorflow-serving
+ cp tensorflow_model_server.manifest.attestation.template tensorflow_model_server.manifest.template
+ tag=latest
+ ./build_graphene_tf_serving.sh ${tag}
+Stop any previous Kubernetes service if you started it::
+ cd /tensorflow-serving-cluster/kubernetes
+ kubectl delete -f graphene-tf-serving/deploy.yaml
+Deploy the service and Ingress configuration of TensorFlow Serving in Kubernetes::
+ kubectl apply -f graphene-tf-serving/deploy.yaml
+ kubectl apply -f graphene-tf-serving/ingress.yaml
+Start two pods::
+ kubectl scale -n graphene-tf-serving deployment.apps/graphene-tf-serving-deployment --replicas 2
+Start the client request
+Start the client request with dummy image from trusted machine C::
+ cd /tensorflow-serving-cluster/tensorflow-serving
+ service_domain_name=grpc.tf-serving.service.com
+ python3 ./resnet_client_grpc.py -url ${service_domain_name}:8500 -crt `pwd -P`/ssl_configure/server.crt -batch 1 -cnum 1 -loop 50
+You can get the inference result printed in the terminal window.
+Cleaning Up
+When done, don’t forget to terminate the secret provisioning server and Kubernetes
+Under trusted machine A::
+ killall secret_prov_server_dcap
+Under untrusted machine B::
+ kubectl delete -f graphene-tf-serving/deploy.yaml