#Countly Roadmap
Countly team is committed to maximizing the usefullness of Countly platform, creating a complete, user-oriented and extendible application analytics framework primarily for mobile devices, desktop applications and other devices that can send events over HTTP. This page is intended to provide a basic roadmap of where we are heading as we work on enhancements, fixes and improvements on major functional and architectural parts. This list is by no means complete – your suggestions will help shape the list.
- Push notifications
- Executive iPad app
- User analytics
- Importing data
- Truncating excess data
- Pre-populating with demo data
- Aggregated dashboard
- Search in menus and applications
- Amazon AMI images for instant deployment
- Feedback reporting
- Bug/exception reporting
- Mobile database as a service
- Report generation
- Plugin support - adding features without modifying core source code
##Completed items
- Exporting data
- Countly Funnels
- Countly Drill (Detailed segmentation)
- Windows Phone support
- HTML5 support (Titanium Appcelerator)
- Blackberry support
- Android / iPhone apps